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Messages - Lalafell

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Introductions / Re: SCP's Introduction
« on: 29.08.2015 21:05:32 »
Just treat her like a queen and you'll be her friend.
This ^
Or else you will end up as a sexist bipolar unipolar pig or lose your head (depending on her mood). Fortunately our Queef is fair and loveable :yes: She made me write this, free me from her dungeon pls

omg, noomie changed my whole reply to something so bullshit. pls lets get rid of the queefofengland xddd


Bang, can you remove that picture. We belive that it might be an insult torwards someone in the community that is "triggered" easily, also he has suicide thoughts which we need to respect here in the community :)

SAY NO TO RACISM AND MENTAL ILLNESS xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

Silly and useless topics! / Re: League Of Legends glich :3
« on: 16.07.2015 01:47:42 »
And now she is disabled :yes:

General / Stavik does not have balls, lets remove him!
« on: 06.07.2015 03:44:43 »

lel 177? so small xd.
I'll shank ur nan outside of tescos if you don't take that back.  ;D

My summoner name is Ekko Kun (EUW)

I also have a cute boyfriend <3

Get out of the forums, faggot. We don't need your kind here.


OMG are you mentally ill you fucking faggot. Are you from 1968 or something  >:(


Watsuda is wife

TTT Suggestions / Re: Raising the cost of T rounds
« on: 22.06.2015 18:42:03 »
And Ts does not have fun equipment that also drags Time? Go to "Never trust Hannah" server. It has balanced equipment that are fun and does not drag time

TTT Suggestions / Re: Raising the cost of T rounds
« on: 22.06.2015 16:18:40 »
Or make T 25 and give D some new equipment so that people actually want to buy a D round

TTT General / Re: Need help with TTT
« on: 10.06.2015 01:00:58 »
Will join when im home from my crush ^^

General / Re: Running Rust Server
« on: 30.05.2015 14:41:55 »
Joined in, laptop didn't handle it well. Gonna have to try to optimize it, but think it's a no go
I had that problem aswell, what i remember caused most of it is that you have to turn off the grass. (This was in the old version, might not work in the new one)

General / Re: Running Rust Server
« on: 30.05.2015 14:28:10 »
Should I buy Rust or not?
Kinda stupid to ask that, some people will say yes, some will say no, if you know someone that owns the game, try it out with them before deciding maybe?
A little problem. None of my friends really play games, and those who does doesn't have the game.
I would atleast recommend it. If we get this server popular and going with other people it will be very fun. The reasons i really liked the game was when playing with friends we went out and had these "clan wars" all the time and tried to protect our homestead.

I have not played the new version but it is supposedly improved so id say buy it!

General / Re: Running Rust Server
« on: 29.05.2015 21:17:57 »
You mean Unity? They upgraded to Unity 5 and its better.

Bhop Applications / Re: Moderator application
« on: 26.05.2015 13:11:01 »
'Ello UKPBG!
Nice to see you wanting to be a staff on the bhop server, but you should take a look on this thread as it covers the same needs for ttt and bhop http://catgc.com/index.php?topic=366.0  :) :yes: (unfortunately it seems that this has not yet been posted in this board)

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