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Messages - Junkerd

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5]
TTT Suggestions / Re: New map suggestions
« on: 25.05.2014 16:43:29 »

TTT General / Re: Hello, Thank you.
« on: 18.05.2014 12:55:35 »
just limit it to admins and higher.
This wouldn't have helped in this situation in anyway, and I may be revealing who it is, by saying this, but the person doing in was a Head Admin and therefore limiting it to admins and higher wouldn't have made a damn difference

I could possibly remove sounds from all staff but then everyone will be pissed at me again...
And if you do that you are punishing other people for one persons doing, which was why we got mad last time, because last time it was 2 people spamming sounds over and over, one of them being a High Staff (as it was called back then).
Punish the person doing it, instead of punishing everybody else. 

TTT General / Re: Hello, Thank you.
« on: 18.05.2014 00:59:32 »
It not a matter of removing it from certain ranks, it is matter of doing something about the people who abuse it too much, and possibly demoting/removing them from staff.

I don't want to go and point a finger at the person that did all of this tonight, but as far as I saw when I was on the server, it was only one person spamming sounds throughout the 30 minutes when I was there.

TTT General / Re: Hello, Thank you.
« on: 18.05.2014 00:28:35 »
Ya to be honest, there was a lot of spam today that shouldn't have been there, and isn't there normally, that was just a bad time to be there.
And as it was there were no ''guests'' there, simply because there was being sounds spammed left and right, which i felt was very annoying too and ended up leaving the server later.

I understand that it may have been a ''one time'' only sorta thing, but it most certainly went too far and shouldn't happen again.

General / Re: Screenshots!?
« on: 11.05.2014 01:36:30 »

General / Re: Screenshots!?
« on: 10.05.2014 00:49:48 »
Oh you know, just some casual rp

General / Re: Gamenights!
« on: 09.05.2014 20:39:39 »

General / Re: Screenshots!?
« on: 07.05.2014 22:41:50 »

Ladies Kappa

TTT Suggestions / Re: Suggest your own TTT server rules.
« on: 06.05.2014 18:13:14 »
This is because it's fun when props ends the game and ruins for whoever dies by it.

TTT Suggestions / Re: New map cycling
« on: 05.05.2014 17:22:27 »
Everyone hates mars ..
And cluedo, yep cluedo.

TTT Suggestions / Re: End Round sounds
« on: 03.05.2014 14:49:32 »

Innocent 0:48-1:03
I refuse for this not to be an end of round Kappa

Innocent 0:53-1:10

General / Screenshots!?
« on: 03.05.2014 01:47:48 »
Screenshot thread?
Screenshot thread!

Who the fuck does Bush think he is?

Introductions / None of yo businetsss
« on: 02.05.2014 22:15:56 »
Oh hello, didn't see you there!
I'm Junkerd!
Otherwise known as that guy who's super duper cool and handsome!

I'm Junkerd, I'm 17 years old and I live in Japan (otherwise known as Denmark).
I was in SyGC for over a year until I got ''removed'', but now I'm here! And actually I'm currently the 4rth person to have joined this ''community'' before anyone else! The only people who joined before me was Bluestar, Lurifax and that adulf guy (Counting people who are still active >.>).
You may know me for high horsing! But that's only because nobody else acknowledge my work (or atleast not good enough >.>).

I consider myself the ''event'' Nah maker of this community, because lets face it, I'm totes into those events! And as soon as a ''certain'' game gets a spectator mode, we're going to get another event going!
Yes amazing right?

So if you'd all just go ahead and praise me as your lord and savior and let auto promotes rain down upon me, that would be nice!

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