02.06.2024 14:14:34

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Messages - ♥ Kitty.exe ♥

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   Changing the subject, as you might guess, I really love animals and of course my favorites are the felines, especially cats. I love cats, yes. Cats are amazing. Don’t you dare telling me the opposite.
How the fuck am I not dead yet?

Sent* and NO
You wanna see me mad, DiivCatstic?

@Lero - Lazy as always xD
If I ever decide to join the military it should fix me right up. (Can't decide whether or not I should try to get into police school or just join the military.)

BTW I read your introduction as promised and was disappointed that you don't play the walking dead. Still the best introduction I've seen.

   1. To be part of a Military school is not that easy/fun as it looks like.. I've been visiting one during a Volleyball tournament and all the guys in there looked so sad and tired, because the regime's very strict, and I saw them cleaning around, and how their teachers were yelling at them to focus in class and do their tasks properly! It was winter, but they weren't allowed to go play with snow or something.. lol; but me + my friends yeah, and they were watching us through the windows and just aw, I felt so bad that I went inside.. So it's not like you're a bird in a cage now, you're just like in jail.
   (Seriously, I can't recommend this for anyone, but depends what type of person you are now. You should check for yourself and see if you would be able to deal with it or not! )

   2.I wanted to play it. I wanted so bad that I started watching Pewdiepie and yeah.. So much spoilers.. I've even saw the end so lol, I ruined everything. :'( (so sad, aw spoilers are bad) It was way too tempting. I'm a really curious kind of person. (+ didn't have money for it atm xD )

P.S.: I pretty much hate Pewdiepie right now. Like, a lot. (excuse for not hating myself, but works)


Ice is frozen water

"Swimming (Because I love water), Skating (Ice is frozen water)"

It was a jokeee 8)

P.S.: I love skateboarding too, but I'm not really good at it :)) (if that's what you thought I'm referring at ^^)

@Poorly - That "signature" scares me as hell
@Watsy - It's a birman :*
@Lero - Lazy as always xD
@Pie - ..Some died, some ran away.. OK I killed the fish!! But didn't intend to :'( I forgot to change his water.. this is still hunting me sometimes :( lol

This is the best introduction I have ever seen..

10/10 would read again. (I did actually read it again)  :D

Aww, I'm glad that you liked it :-*

If your are 100% a cat... why do you love water than? ;O

Shhhh, some cats love water! But some.. um, like one cat I know (Norman), which is a really weird cat (Norman).. can't even look at it.. would better suicide than take a bath, lol :))

   Hello CaTGC followers ! My account has almost 6 months and I’ve never introduced myself here, so this is it! :)
   My real name’s Claudia and I am a 15 year old girl from Romania. (08.08.1999) I’m peaceful, friendly and sociable, always loving to help people and make their lifes easier, but I’m also a perfectionist – so when it comes to real work and serious stuff, I pretty much like to take care of things alone,  or to coordinate. When it comes to group-work, I’m always trying to do my best, and this is what I’m going to do right here – be as helpful as I possibly can.
   I’ve always been into video-games…  All started when I met this guy Alex, which is and will always be my mentor + a really great and loyal friend. He introduced me to this universe of gaming and I’m very happy that I’ve got to know him so well till today;  I can still remember how we were playing a lot of games like crazy, and fight whose turn was next and such xD we were so silly, hah! I used to love playing Silent Hill 2, Casper: Spirit Dimensions, Age of Empire 2 and a wrestling game on his PS2, lol. (Of course he was always loosing and crying like a little girl c: ) Now he’s about to turn 19 and we’re still playing together sometimes + having funny gaming-nights  8) !
   Now I enjoy playing TF2 ( I have almost 1600h + this was my first game on steam c: ), Bioshock: Infinite (2 also nice), The Stanley Parable, Max Payne 3, GTA:SA + IV (Can’t wait for V), Alan Wake, Skyrim, Borderlands 2, Natural Selection 2, Outlast (It’s sooo scarry, but I love it :'D), MW2/3 and more others, but I dedicate my time mostly to Gmod and CS:GO. (Notice that I don’t own really all of those games on the Steam platform :-[ )

↑  As a fact, I got introduced to Steam by a classmate. This is why I have so many hours of gameplay in TF2! ^^
   I must say that I’ve got a Club Penguin account since 2007 +  a Farmerama acc. with lvl 80 (Farm. A farm game, yes. Farm. ) becauseee I wanted to see what happens when I reach the lvl 100 – I just found out from someone that nothing happens, the game continues…  :( a friend tricked me that you get something awesome because it’s the end of the game, and I don’t know what else, and how I am a mistery-fan, I just said “Fiiine! Let’s do it!”  lol! – IRL friend, so please, I tried to slap him to death! (It’s not like I failed.. but he had such a cute & scared kitty face as I had to forgive him! :D ) Besides these, I used to play World of Warcraft and Perfect World, but I got bored of them. I also think that Dota 2 is way too overrated:-\
   Changing the subject, as you might guess, I really love animals and of course my favorites are the felines, especially cats. I love cats, yes. Cats are amazing. Don’t you dare telling me the opposite.
   I had 8 cats, 4 dogs, 2 hamsters and 1 fish in my life till now.  :'( All I got left today is a cat, Norman, which is 8 years old. (Nor = cloud in Romanian) As a coincidence ( probably ), my sign of the zodiac is lion and on 8th August (when I was born) it’s the International Day of Cats, heh. Also my lucky number is 8.
   So we can all agree that I’m 100% a cat! Why did I even say that I’m a girl at the start of this novel... I should totally change that, so -> End of story, great job Captain Obvious, mistery solved. (#Notbeardedmanalert, I’m sorry to disappoint you people.)
   About hobbies (besides games) I love sports such as Tennis (both types), Volleyball (3 years pro c: ), Swimming (Because I love water), Skating (Ice is frozen water), Handball.. -> I am active, I like many stuff. I also like to create things, as I have weird imagination! I really love drawing. Sooo much.
   One year ago I started making jewellery for myself + fun, and a friend saw one of the things I made ( a bracelet) and liked it so much that I gave it to her as a present;  then she showed it to other people and everyone started asking me if I can make more :-X ! Soo I made more stuff and I sold them c: ! It was really cool, made a really nice amount of money, but then I got bored and I stopped, lol.  Also before this summer, I had as homework to make something from stuff that can be recycled, such as papers, bottles etc. (for biology) so I’ve made a basket from papers. My teacher liked it a lot so she told me to make another one (with another colors) for her, waw! After I gave it to her, my math teacher saw it too, and she told me that if I’ll get a ten on the exam (I’ve had a really important exam for my future) I must make one for her too! :)) And well, I got a ten!! But you know, it wasn’t that easy to make them xD.. + School finished; and this new year I’ll go to another school! Maybe I’ll give it to her in 2024 at the “10 years later” class meeting!
   Finally I got to the final!!   Oh, one more thing – I’m a Grammar Nazi. In Romanian I’m “horrible”. I love to annoy my friends C: (no evil, no) In English, well, I let you decide.
   If you got any more questions, feel free to ask! I’ll answer with pleasure. I hope that this was nice to read, and that I’ve made you a good/better impression about me. Have a lovely day!  :-*

P.S.: This is a picture of my cat :3

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