Atm fixing my life is prob a bad idea so <.<
Why would fixing your life ever be a bad idea? Stop watching anime you nerd.
Also please don't bring my name up in any discussions related to this kindergarten of a forum. You're all massive faggots, especially Noomie.
Dragzorath is the only exception, oh and Stavik. I've said what i had to say, thanks for the giggles lads. And Owen too which i love

And to explain my actions a bit better to you DOozve, i was having my butt periods and you seemed like a good target. FUN TIMES! Catch ya later dickwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaads.

Oh and Deltality was a massive wankwhore, i hope he got his arms squashed.
It has truly been a pleasure <:^)
NOTE: It's not about you shit-talking me, it's about you mentioning my name in this forsaken hell hole. Stop. It. I want none of this. I got the giggles already. I am not amused anymore