Hello, yes I haven't been here a long time, but that doesn't matter. The thing that matters is, today at around 11 AM (11.00 GMT +1), on a map ttt_subway_b4, I, as an innocent, killed Delusian, who was a traitor. At that time, when I was joining the server, only Delusian was online for 15 seconds. When I joined, we were still the only two people online. And so I killed Delusian, because we were still the only two people on this server.
I might as well post chat log:
Welcome to CaT Gaming [TTT] FastDL|Pointshop|CustomContent! We're playing ttt_subway_b4.
[HUDSWITCHER] Your HUD selection 'payday2' is now active!
You are playing Trouble in Terrorist Town, version 2014-03-09.
[CaT] Pyjak has joined the server.
*DEAD* Delusian: !warn Pyjak RDM
Delusian warned You (RDM)
AWarn: You were warned by (Delusian) for: RDM
[CaT] [CaT]Milkman has joined the server.Pyjak: what? why was that rdm?!
If you're stuck in the beginning of the round, type '!stuck'
Pyjak: there were only 2 people on the server!
*DEAD* Delusian: Nope
*DEAD* Delusian: We are 3
As you can see, Milkman joined after the round ended. This means, that there were 2 people
Before I joined:

I request removal of the warning.
Thank you,