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Topics - Naomie Smalls

Pages: 1 [2]
Deathrun General / Punishment Guidelines Deathrun
« on: 18.08.2014 22:25:24 »
The following guidelines are made for Deathrun by Satanium.

AFK players
-Death: when the timer hits 5 minutes
-Runner: when the timer hits 5:30 minutes since the map kills them early on some maps

Mic/Chat spammers
Gag/Mute them for one round and don't forget to ungag/unmute
If they do it again you gag/mute them again for one round.
Third time: You kick them
Fourth time: You ban them for 10 minutes
Fifth time: You ban them for 30 minutes
Sixth time: You ban them for 1 hour (if they do it again, repeat this one)

Delaying the round
When the player refuses to move for 1 minute you slay him

Griefing the game
When the player kills teammates you ban him for 3 minutes

Scripting/Hacking is an instant permanent ban

Delaying the round as death (killing yourself as death)
Slay him next round

Murder General / Punishment Guidelines
« on: 18.08.2014 21:11:33 »
Here are the punishment guidelines that now will be used for Murder.

Mic/chat spamming players
All mutes/gags are effective for one round, so remember to ungag/unmute them after the round is over.
If they do not stop after the first mute/gag you warn them and mute/gag them again.
RDM'ing players
Punishment for RDM'ing players based on the amount of RDM's:
1 RDM: Warn + Slay
2 RDM: Warn + Ban (1 hour)
3 RDM: Warn + Ban (1 day)
4 RDM: Warn + Ban (5 days)
5 RDM: Warn + Ban (2 weeks)
6 RDM: Warn + Ban (1 month)
Ghosting players
Ghosting will result in a very long ban. All the players who are involved should be punished.

General / 67th way poll. (VOTE PLEASE)
« on: 16.08.2014 18:26:04 »
Since we only have old versions of 67th way, and none of those are what everyone actually wants them to be, we decided to let all of you pick whether we should add the newest 67th way (V7) or keep it to the old one (V4). A vote would be very appreciated!  :-*

If you fail to follow the guidelines you will be denied without ever receiving a personal interview.

-   You need to agree to, and understand our punishment guidelines.
-   You need to have 3 days of play time on the server that you are applying for.
-   If the server you are applying for has a Trusted rank you need to be part of that.
-   Write what server you want to apply for in the title.
-   Write down your Steam ID in either the start or end of your application.
-   Link your introduction in either the start or end of your application.
-   Have a low amount of active warnings.
-   Use proper grammar, communication is important.

! By writing an application you agree to the fact that you may be demoted at any time.
! By writing an application you agree to being contacted on steam by either Stavik or Noomie.

*These Guidelines may change at any time.

Inactivity: When you have not been seen on the server for 1 week as a staff member, a warning will be given, and asked why you have been inactive.

If you have a reason to be inactive for a week or longer, then make sure to post it here (only staff can see this)

TTT Suggestions / Polls for addons/removals in TTT
« on: 02.08.2014 22:01:52 »
Please leave a vote in these strawpolls! All addons/removals are for TTT.

1. We keep the proplauncher as it is.

2. We keep Cluedo / Plaza.

3. Poison gun will be added.

4. Riotshield will be added.

TTT Suggestions / Amount of rounds per map
« on: 31.07.2014 17:40:21 »
So could we maybe change the amount of rounds to like 10/12 per map? Because most people start getting really bored by 15/16 (who knows.) rounds of one map, and I think changing that to like 10 or 12 would already make that issue go away.

TTT General / Punishment Guidelines
« on: 30.07.2014 17:54:53 »
So, Owen and me have changed the TTT guidelines to Trialmod-friendly, which means that it now is made for Trial mods to use, when they have doubts about punishing someone.

            AFK players.
When is it okay to "!afk" a player?
- Detective afk: When the timer hits 2 minutes.
- Traitor afk:     When the timer hits 2 minutes.
- Innocent afk:  When the timer hits 2 minutes.
NB: It's not the highest priority to AFK players, just a tip so delays won't happen.

           Mic/chat spamming players.
All mutes/gags are effective for one round so remember to ungag/unmute them after the round is over.
If they do not stop after the first mute/gag you can warn them and mute/gag them again.

           Teleporting players.
Alot of people do not know about the "!stuck" function.
If the player did not tell you in the beginning off a round, take a look when you are dead to see if you spot anyone stuck.

           RDM'ing players.
Punishment for RDM'ing players based on amount off RDM's in one round.

1 RDM: Warn + Slay
2 RDM: Warn + Kick
3 RDM: Warn + Ban (24 hours)*
4 RDM: Warn + Ban (3 days)*
5 RDM: Warn + Ban (1 week)*
6 RDM: Warn + Ban (1 month)*
*Trial mods can't ban this long, contact a higher staff member and give him/her the steamID and amount of time they should ban the player.

Punishment for RDM'ing players based on amount off RDM's in one map-cycle (10 rounds)
1 RDM: Warn or Slay (depends on the situation)
2 RDM: Warn + Slay
3 RDM: Warn (player will get auto-kicked)
4 RDM: Warn + Ban (4 hours)*
5 RDM: Warn + Ban (8 hours)*
6 RDM: Warn + Ban (16 hours)*
*Trial mods can't ban this long, contact a higher staff member and give him/her the steamID and amount of time they should ban the player.       
           Ghosting players.
Ghosting is an instant permanent ban off all players involved.
(contact a higher admin and give their SteamIDs)

           Hacking/Scripting players.
Scripting/Hacking is an instant permanent ban.
Keep in mind this is extremely rare, infact in 1 year and 4 months I have only seen it twice, but it does happen.
(contact a higher admin and give their SteamIDs)

TTT Suggestions / Updates
« on: 28.07.2014 20:58:55 »
So Watson and me found out by creeping into a couple of servers yesterday night that there's actually an update that makes it unable for Traitors to ressurect Innocents. I think we need that, because it might be funny to ressurect Innocents and all, butt there's still some Traitors ressurecting Innocents without killing them right after or they fail to kill them after ressurecting them, so it'd be a good idea to maybe add this to the server sometime.
We also spotted a server where you can actually shoot heads of when you make a headshot which looks pretty hilarious. Don't think it'd be such a great idea to add but if people would like the idea it'd always be fun to check it out. 8)

Introductions / Noomie
« on: 02.07.2014 00:30:29 »

I never made an introduction on the forums, so here we go.
My name is Naomi and I am a 16 year old Dutch girl. I now live in the west of Holland but will most likely move out next year to the south, where I will study Programming and Game Developing. 8)
The games I like the most at the moment are most likely Garry's mod, Battle Block Theatre, Beyond: Two Souls, Thief (though my laptop sucks so bad that I can barely play it) and Team Fortress.
Furthermore I love having movie/game nights with friends and I have the most adorable hamster and her name is Chubb.

Chubb is love. Chubb is life.

That's pretty much it.

 :-* 8)

TTT Suggestions / New rule.
« on: 26.06.2014 18:42:15 »
So, I think we might need a new rule on the server. a 'Think before you act' rule. It happens way too often that people RDM and their reason would be 'It looked like he was shooting someone'. It looked like it, didn't think about the possibility that he might've been shooting at the ground or the ceiling and RDM a (mostly innocent) person. And yes sometimes it's a mistake, but I've seen it happen too many times that people got killed right away for such a thing.
I know that it is a basic rule that everyone should understand, but since a couple of people joining the server don't see it the same way, it would be nice to have it in the MOTD as a reminder to think before you act, I figured.

TTT Suggestions / DeathMatch
« on: 13.05.2014 19:03:28 »
I don't know if anyone has ever asked about it, but since I didn't see any topics related to it, I'd like to suggest it myself. We need Deathmatch. Great way to not get bored while spectating the game I believe, why not give it a try?


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