02.06.2024 12:08:10

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Messages - kaedegames

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General / Re: Guild Wars 2, Anyone wanting to play?
« on: 06.10.2014 19:10:33 »
There is no such thing in my browser

Wut funky browser do you use?

General / Re: Guild Wars 2, Anyone wanting to play?
« on: 06.10.2014 19:02:16 »

General / Re: Guild Wars 2, Anyone wanting to play?
« on: 06.10.2014 18:03:11 »
I was very very into GW1, I used to farm the other side of the bridge Charr or whatever they were before you "ascended", and  after ascension I farmed a lot before they introduced anti farming zones, but it was the entire game for me. Did not PvP much or do group quests, was mostly alone lol. Had a few friends, but we farmed the same thing but separately.
But it was fun!

I did not get a CD key or a confirmation mail from them yet though, been 5 hours so sent them a mail.


General / Re: Guild Wars 2, Anyone wanting to play?
« on: 06.10.2014 16:37:00 »
How is it compared to the first game?
Can you solo farm content with a specific class or do you need an entire group of 5 people to actually do end game?

I've ordered it and we'll see!

From what I've heard from my friend that got me into the game, he said they really improved everything from the first. And you can't really solo Group missions.

(I actually tried once... and it didn't work out well.)

Ps: Glad you all are getting it, be nice to see CatGC to expand.

General / Re: Guild Wars 2, Anyone wanting to play?
« on: 06.10.2014 04:38:38 »
Do you even Archeage.

I think it is MEH.
They hide a lot of the good stuff that actually makes it unique behind a paywall.
and I don't like subscriptions.

Actually to be brutally honest. I Fucking hate them xD
I got GW2 about 6-8 months back. (and didn't play it since I was busy)
and.. well I didn't waste money that I would of have to if I payed for such things.
1 Time pay. Great system.

And it works in this game.
Even though there are in-game transactions, they did it right.
I love them for it.

it keeps the game a one time pay to play and if I wish to own some super awesome content (Skins for weapons, armor ect.) I can spend a little cash and get them.
And I don't even have to do that.
You can trade in-game currency for Gems.
A bought currency.

the dev's of this game are constantly adding world changing stories and other such things.
For free.

I give this game personally a 9.5/10
There can be a few improvements.. but only a few. The way the game is now is perfect for me.
It keeps me interested at all times.

So in my opinion GW2 is one of the Best MMo's I ever played. And I have played A LOT.

General / Re: Guild Wars 2, Anyone wanting to play?
« on: 04.10.2014 20:31:26 »
What does this mean? :D

J - J ?
Ф - F
I - I ?
И - I
G - G ?
Ш - Š
T- T ?
D- D ?
Д - D
У - U


Lol, it's fake Russian it's used a lot here in America for advertising.

General / Re: Guild Wars 2, Anyone wanting to play?
« on: 04.10.2014 12:54:23 »
It means join guildwars 2 today

I thought it was obvious xD
Oh well.

General / Re: Guild Wars 2, Anyone wanting to play?
« on: 04.10.2014 12:22:22 »
it looks awesome and it's on sale maybe i will try it


General / Guild Wars 2, Anyone wanting to play?
« on: 04.10.2014 08:18:44 »
So recently I got really into GW2, this game was gifted to me by one of my friends a few months ago and I finally have some time to play.

And.. Well it's awesome. I love it.
I really dislike most MMO's now of days since they are a grind and stale as year old bread.
But there is something really Different about GW2 that makes it worth playing.
So I am writing to ask if anyone who has the game want to join in the fun? Eventually make Dungeon parties.. and even have are own guild.
At the moment me and my friends are under the guild "Easy co [EASY]" it's my friends forum Guild.

But if Enough of OUR forum wants to try this wonderful game out. I personally will try to start are on Guild.

Guilds are really special in this game and have some nice perks.
So it would be nice having are Community name out there.
I don't expect y'all to join willy nilly but I suggest doing some research see if you'd like it.
Would love to see more people I know on there.

It's 50% off for one more day as well. So time to buy if you want to!

I am on Europe server in Gandara, Add me KaedeGames.5392
If you are already in the game you can just guest on this Server.


General / Re: Asking for a little help.
« on: 01.10.2014 02:10:49 »
Thank you all for your help!
we are in the final stretch of the contest.
It's close to being All over.

General / Re: Favorite anime and/or manga
« on: 01.10.2014 02:08:23 »
Spice & wolf was the first anime that I watched <3
So it's pretty near and dear to my heart.

General / Re: Asking for a little help.
« on: 26.09.2014 06:04:28 »
Thank you all! you've helped me so much!

General / Re: Asking for a little help.
« on: 25.09.2014 19:47:38 »
Thank you all!

General / Re: Asking for a little help.
« on: 25.09.2014 09:45:10 »
Okay, you should have another 3 entries now.   ;)

thank you :)

General / Asking for a little help.
« on: 25.09.2014 09:06:00 »
Hello people of the forums.
I come here today asking of your help, and hey maybe you might win something for it~

So recently My youtube partner just started a contest.
This contest is for 5 people to be chosen and given 1000 USD to spend in newegg.
Let me explain what I'd like from y'all.
This, is a referral link. http://splur.gy/r/Xm92Q/r/2R2ZdSd2nPL
This link gives me three more entries in the ballet. (if you join the contest)

Without getting to personal, The reason I need this is simple.
I work here on the interwebs, but my pc is getting slower and slower and is slowing down my process to my dream job.
I've spent the last 5 years trying to find jobs but to no avail.. without transportation or jobs available I have been stuck, but this is not to say I don't earn money, part of my dream job is already here. but it's not even close to finish and barely makes me enough to buy a bag of taffy a month.
But never the less I have been saving the little I make.

This Money if I do some how win it. will allow me to buy new and better PC parts which will also increase my earnings which then later will go into even more things I need.
Professional microphone
sound proofing foam.
ect, ect.

My overall dream is to become something like a entertainer, A singer and voice actor.
Eventually I will go back to school get my G.E.D and then move onto college.
I might of been dealt a bad hand in the game of life. but I plan to put my cards back, and reshuffle.
hopefully things will be better.

But I must add...
I'm not wanting pity..
I just want your help.

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