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Messages - Другарю Рийл_Дийл

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You know what's the problem? You take stuff to seriously. I remember how Lincoln said to take everything as joke and not seriously.

General / Re: ITT: WE HATE AT COD
« on: 10.08.2014 23:38:30 »
Well, years ago, back when I was 10 and later, I had enjoyed CoD series from 4, WaW, to Black ops 2. But I had played them on my Wii which was hacked and I could play every game for free. Even Multiplayer. It makes sense that I had enjoyed CoD before, right? But giving money to Activision after Ghosts? Better masturbate with a sandpaper.

Introductions / Re: Bush
« on: 10.08.2014 23:35:05 »
I only know Bushseaman but not Bushman.

Introductions / Re: Mikami's Introduction
« on: 10.08.2014 16:26:20 »
Well call of duty 4 and call of duty ghosts are both good, but that is my opinion.
Btw. Welcome to the community!!
Don't you ever mention that game.

General / Re: Post videos.
« on: 07.08.2014 11:44:41 »

I always laugh when I see this video of chicken nugget's reaction when I propkilled him.

Art Development / Re: My art gallery
« on: 05.08.2014 13:48:22 »

"I ain't no white trash piece of s**t. I'm better than you all! I can out-learn you. I can out-read you. I can out-think you. And I can out-philosophize you. And I'm gonna outlast you. You think a couple whacks to my guts is gonna get me down? It's gonna take a hell of a lot more than that, Counselor, to prove you're better than me!" - Robert De Niro in "Cape Fear"

TTT Suggestions / Re: End Round sounds
« on: 01.08.2014 18:59:09 »
From all the end round songs here suggested, how many have been added? 0. I bet you haven't even checked them.

TTT Suggestions / Re: New map suggestions
« on: 31.07.2014 21:41:51 »
K, old thing whatever.

I would like to see ttt_innocent_motel (updated version).

(No weapons tho, but I can take care of that)
This ^ (and as discussed, we can prolly have old one and new one at same time)
Same can go for 67thway v3 where the cars are.

General / Re: need suggestions
« on: 29.07.2014 23:27:16 »
Wow, the guy is asking for (preferable) 4 pack and you want from him to waste that much money for games like Civ V and Payday 2? Isn't that too greedy from your side?
how is it greedy if he told us to suggest a game for a giveaway
Preferably 4 pack. I think it would be better if there are more games he could give away, not to buy more than 1 copy of Civ V for example. Something like Terraria or Chivalry:Medieval Warfare on a fair price.

General / Re: need suggestions
« on: 29.07.2014 23:08:46 »
Wow, the guy is asking for (preferable) 4 pack and you want from him to waste that much money for games like Civ V and Payday 2? Isn't that too greedy from your side?

TTT Suggestions / Re: End Round sounds
« on: 25.07.2014 15:00:58 »
What 'bout Tenacious D
Sorry, everyone here are sissies and can't stand to such heavy music.
Heavy music you say?

Wow you're showing us American Melodic Death Metal but not your own and original national one? Shame on you.

TTT Suggestions / Re: End Round sounds
« on: 25.07.2014 14:08:47 »
What 'bout Tenacious D
Sorry, everyone here are sissies and can't stand to such heavy music.

General / Re: Resignation of DiivZe
« on: 24.07.2014 01:37:09 »
Well, good luck and start preparing for winning TI5.

TTT General / Re: How long?
« on: 19.07.2014 14:31:56 »
This vote seems absolutely pointless, more like dumb. Can't you understand what does it mean to be trusted? To be liked and fair, not breaking the rules, not having problems with the players all the time and of course, to be trusted. That's not regular rank, right? Why are you even so obsessed with the rank? Are you going to recieve a medal or something? No one can say how long it needs to become trusted. Can't you compare that in real life, too?

General / Re: I am a fucking idiot.
« on: 16.07.2014 12:40:38 »
      Personally, from almost every staff here who hated Watsuda as High Staff, I think he was the right one to fit in the staff roster. Back in the time, you couldn't really do anything or say to Watsuda because he had always defended his arguement and had never let someone to tease him since he would always find a sollution how to deal with that. You may all not believe this but, if we compare Watsuda with the staffs here, including me, he was the most serious one. He could've been stricts in some ways but I didn't find that as a reason for breaking up and seperating the server.
    You all point every finger at him as the reason for that for promoting a staff just because he liked him, while the other guy you all blamed was Lincoln. They kept the server in order but right now what I see is staffs playing only in Deathrun not giving fuck about TTT. I can't even understand your new method of accepting staff applications by saying opinions to Mahrin how good or bad the person is. Let him see it by himself, goddammit. Why don't you do that, Mahrin?
    I think Watsuda thinks it would've been much better if the applications were more convincing and have more effort made in them like the ones he had accepted. Now you just need to write something about yourself, how you will deal with someone as a staff which is almost the same as everyone and just some + from the community and bam, you become a staff. Then, what? You get tired for 1-2 weeks and go to Deathrun and forget that you had even written one.  Now there are tiny groups in the staff roster who hates the other staffs and everyone talking behind the staffs' backs. The dream community, isn't it? I think it's already time everyone to discuss how to fix these things and be a good community again like before. You don't know how much I liked the Skype conversation almost 1 year ago with a lot of staffs and including regulars with our cameras on where we had so much fun. It even continued later but as time was passing staffs were retiring and the staffs barely have desire to talk with every staff.                                                                                                             
   The retirements repeat even now. Staffs leaving because of the community which had broken into pieces and never wants to put them together as there is always someone who keeps them seperated. I won't be surprised if the community dies soon. Then you'll know who to blame...not Watsuda and Lincoln who were the reason that the server had been keeping it alive for a long time, including members of the staff roster who kept the fun in it and the regular members.

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