02.06.2024 18:49:04

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Topics - Jesse

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Let's get the love flowing

General / Vote to keep or change the new banner
« on: 27.10.2014 12:51:52 »

I made this post so my link doesn't drown in the shoutbox. Yee.

General / Nothing to see here Bluestar, keep walking.
« on: 26.10.2014 00:38:23 »
Are there any people that DON'T play LoL on the EUW region? Because those guys are not fun. If you DON'T play this there, post your nonexistent name here if you DON'T want to play. *winks slowly*

General / Any LoL players here?
« on: 25.10.2014 23:18:33 »
Any players from the EUW region wanting to get together and play LoL sometimes? Skill, rank and levels don't really matter.

[User Was Banned And Then Banned Again For This Post]

Introductions / Hello everyone, old and new!
« on: 25.10.2014 01:37:47 »
It's good to be back, after such a long break.
I have a long history with this server, and most probably remember me (I hope  :'(), but since there are a LOT of new people in this community, I felt like it would only be good to make a new introduction.
I'm a 17-year-old guy named Jesse from Finland. I've played video games for as long as I can remember, I enjoy all kinds of music aside from rap and anything with (rough) screamed vocals.
I go to a local high-school and I'm on the second year of it currently.
Games I play the most are League of Legends & Garry's mod.
Free-time I spend by playing games, photographing, cycling or just hanging with friends.
I'm a very quirky and a positive person, so you can add me anytime you catch me on the servers, or just do it at any point! I love meeting new people :).
Hope to play with you all!

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