-The forum is neutral on the topics of: Religion and politics. If you want to discuss these topics please do so elsewhere.
-Please stay on the topic of the thread, if you want to talk about something not related to the thread, feel free to make a new thread about the topic you want to discuss. -Please try to focus on one thread at a time, if you post many comments in a short amount of time in a lot of different threads, People have a hard time following. -Please remember your manners if you should get into an argument, It’s very hard to keep focus on the subject if harsh language and insults are involved.
Re: Happy easter! by RoseLady
[01.03.2024 13:10:02] Re: Lets get to know each other better ! by Soup [13.01.2024 03:17:03] Re: Happy easter! by Poorly [24.07.2023 22:25:14] Re: BOVINE THREAD by Naomie Smalls [24.07.2023 22:01:50] Re: Happy easter! by Naomie Smalls [24.07.2023 22:00:55] -Founder-
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