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Topics - WiewManger

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Introductions / WiewManger's introduction
« on: 25.08.2014 16:56:18 »
So hello!
My name is Tomy, also known as WiewManger in-game.
I am 15 years old male from Estonia.

I love gaming a lot and even too much I think.
I don't like ''long-run'' sports. By that I mean, I don't want to do sports for too long and that is because my school's PE teacher is hard on us always  :(
But I do like running long distances the most.

Well my medical life (I think that is right to say) is not quite right, but well I am improving. I get diseases pretty easily and plus that I have asthma  :'(

I have had fully 5 dogs but 3 have died and now 2 a still left. About cats, then well I can't count how many there have been. Some have died because of out dog wanted to play and some have starved because the mother left them and some ran away. Only 1 cat has visited us right now.
I did like animals before but now I have kinda started to not like them (ofc I will never hate them)(maybeh) and that is because every time when one of our animals dies my sister cries all day  :'(
and I hate looking after them :P it's almost the same thing as I have to look after my lil sister and lil bother.
And now a sad story with little detail given :P
When I was little a unknown dog came do our house all the time and one day when I was outside the dog ran away scared onto the road but my two dogs wanted to follow him. Then happend a terrifing thing. A car came and ran the dog over. I saw it with my own eyes. The driver didn't even stop, he just drove away. My two dogs wanted to go on the road but because I was so little it was hard to stop them. They did go but they came back and then wanted to go back again. I cried and cried. I also called my mom for her to come help me but at first she didn't hear me, but then finally she came.

I am also not a city boy. I only lived in the city for like 5 years and then moved away. I even got lost in a coastal city in England :( . The reason for that is because theyr street signs are on the building were I didn't look :/ and I don't even want to talk about London

In the future I want to become a coder/programmer (whatever you want to call it) and/or a streamer.

I don't think I really have anything more to say now.

So bye!

I am sorry if I burned your eyes with my bad english writing

Edit: I forgot to add that I LOVE anime and music

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