03.06.2024 01:45:53

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Messages - Bush

Pages: 1 ... 16 17 [18] 19 20
Introductions / Re: Im a panda
« on: 17.07.2014 01:13:01 »
his real name is actually  :missing:.

General / Re: Continent of the Ninth Seal
« on: 16.07.2014 22:42:07 »
its too easy i hate it
Try to get to the higher levels.
I can't even move anymore without getting penetraded.
You're gonna hear that a lot in prison.

General / Re: Gamenights!
« on: 16.07.2014 17:40:32 »
we're playing Dayz SA at @ 20:00 Servertime 2 day. Contact Sgt.Mittens 2 join.

General / Re: Gamenights!
« on: 16.07.2014 02:16:32 »
Alright my bad for fucking up the times, 20:00 server time, which makes it 19:00 for  the scandinavian players.

General / Re: Gamenights!
« on: 16.07.2014 01:13:46 »
So we all agree to log tomorrow at 19.00 server time (+2GMT) Alright, oh and join TS for easy comms and lets get slaughtering!

General / Re: Gamenights!
« on: 16.07.2014 00:39:10 »
The mod or SA? I Would gladly play both. I am geared 2 the limit in SA.

Deathrun General / Re: Deathrun bug
« on: 15.07.2014 23:45:47 »
Hell it's probaly better to be safe and just press the exit button, then risk crashing the server. Just saying.

Complaints / The Cooked Taco- RDM
« on: 15.07.2014 00:26:58 »
1. My in-game name is: Bushseaman
2. The player that I'm complaining about: The Cooked Taco
3. The rule(s) that the player has broken: RDM
4. The incident occurred on (month, day and possibly the hours): 2014/07/14 23.00-00.00
5. The server in which the incident occurred: TTT
6. Explanation of what happened: I was holding a barrel and he decided to push me of a ledge with a crowbar, we were both innocent so therfore he RDM me.
7. My collected evidence (screenshots, screenshots of logs or videos etc.): Uploading

Complaints / Re: I hate my life
« on: 15.07.2014 00:16:10 »
Plz Ban STEAM_0:0:64679244 They are saying that i rdm They are throwing random discombobulators
at me on high maps And  STEAM_0:0:64679244 He does the same thing BTW They are irl Friends
Soooo Thats worse And the are Raging.
PS: Sorry for misspelling
This happened in TTT

use the report system, if it works...
It does work .. but who would get the reports when not mods/admins are online? No one ..

I think he was talking about the report system that simasce made.

I am pretty goddamn sure it works, Simasce even posted pics of it working in the shoutbox a couple of days back.

Introductions / Re: WaCco^ Introduction
« on: 13.07.2014 21:02:27 »
Sup mate, welcome back to this "new" community (with the except same people and other stuff as the old one)! Enjoy your stay.

TTT General / Re: Make your change.
« on: 11.07.2014 02:11:34 »
I would like not everyone in TS to seperate and ruin the communication by making your own channels :)
I thought it was for the members of the community but what I see is how staffs just make their own channels and let only their little favourite people to join and kicks everyone else.
Honestly, the only guys that aren't that limited are the Sweds and Simasce.

Hell the only reason I keep joining the swedish channel is because all the other channels with people in them are locked. We don't even speak swedish in there.

RIP Sgt.Mittens.

Introductions / Re: Introduction
« on: 06.07.2014 21:50:01 »
Welcome to the community! I am the only one not evil here. Enjoy your stay and remember to never trust any of the staff (they're evil).

Don't act nice bush! I saw you making a whole other communty behind everyones back you sneaky bastard!

No proof.

Introductions / Re: Introduction
« on: 06.07.2014 21:33:51 »
Welcome to the community! I am the only one not evil here. Enjoy your stay and remember to never trust any of the staff (they're evil).

Introductions / Re: Mowller
« on: 02.07.2014 02:51:42 »
Hello, I am Bush and I am the local bully. Please enjoy your stay.

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