02.06.2024 18:57:14

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Topics - ♥ Kitty.exe ♥

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   Hello CaTGC followers ! My account has almost 6 months and I’ve never introduced myself here, so this is it! :)
   My real name’s Claudia and I am a 15 year old girl from Romania. (08.08.1999) I’m peaceful, friendly and sociable, always loving to help people and make their lifes easier, but I’m also a perfectionist – so when it comes to real work and serious stuff, I pretty much like to take care of things alone,  or to coordinate. When it comes to group-work, I’m always trying to do my best, and this is what I’m going to do right here – be as helpful as I possibly can.
   I’ve always been into video-games…  All started when I met this guy Alex, which is and will always be my mentor + a really great and loyal friend. He introduced me to this universe of gaming and I’m very happy that I’ve got to know him so well till today;  I can still remember how we were playing a lot of games like crazy, and fight whose turn was next and such xD we were so silly, hah! I used to love playing Silent Hill 2, Casper: Spirit Dimensions, Age of Empire 2 and a wrestling game on his PS2, lol. (Of course he was always loosing and crying like a little girl c: ) Now he’s about to turn 19 and we’re still playing together sometimes + having funny gaming-nights  8) !
   Now I enjoy playing TF2 ( I have almost 1600h + this was my first game on steam c: ), Bioshock: Infinite (2 also nice), The Stanley Parable, Max Payne 3, GTA:SA + IV (Can’t wait for V), Alan Wake, Skyrim, Borderlands 2, Natural Selection 2, Outlast (It’s sooo scarry, but I love it :'D), MW2/3 and more others, but I dedicate my time mostly to Gmod and CS:GO. (Notice that I don’t own really all of those games on the Steam platform :-[ )

↑  As a fact, I got introduced to Steam by a classmate. This is why I have so many hours of gameplay in TF2! ^^
   I must say that I’ve got a Club Penguin account since 2007 +  a Farmerama acc. with lvl 80 (Farm. A farm game, yes. Farm. ) becauseee I wanted to see what happens when I reach the lvl 100 – I just found out from someone that nothing happens, the game continues…  :( a friend tricked me that you get something awesome because it’s the end of the game, and I don’t know what else, and how I am a mistery-fan, I just said “Fiiine! Let’s do it!”  lol! – IRL friend, so please, I tried to slap him to death! (It’s not like I failed.. but he had such a cute & scared kitty face as I had to forgive him! :D ) Besides these, I used to play World of Warcraft and Perfect World, but I got bored of them. I also think that Dota 2 is way too overrated:-\
   Changing the subject, as you might guess, I really love animals and of course my favorites are the felines, especially cats. I love cats, yes. Cats are amazing. Don’t you dare telling me the opposite.
   I had 8 cats, 4 dogs, 2 hamsters and 1 fish in my life till now.  :'( All I got left today is a cat, Norman, which is 8 years old. (Nor = cloud in Romanian) As a coincidence ( probably ), my sign of the zodiac is lion and on 8th August (when I was born) it’s the International Day of Cats, heh. Also my lucky number is 8.
   So we can all agree that I’m 100% a cat! Why did I even say that I’m a girl at the start of this novel... I should totally change that, so -> End of story, great job Captain Obvious, mistery solved. (#Notbeardedmanalert, I’m sorry to disappoint you people.)
   About hobbies (besides games) I love sports such as Tennis (both types), Volleyball (3 years pro c: ), Swimming (Because I love water), Skating (Ice is frozen water), Handball.. -> I am active, I like many stuff. I also like to create things, as I have weird imagination! I really love drawing. Sooo much.
   One year ago I started making jewellery for myself + fun, and a friend saw one of the things I made ( a bracelet) and liked it so much that I gave it to her as a present;  then she showed it to other people and everyone started asking me if I can make more :-X ! Soo I made more stuff and I sold them c: ! It was really cool, made a really nice amount of money, but then I got bored and I stopped, lol.  Also before this summer, I had as homework to make something from stuff that can be recycled, such as papers, bottles etc. (for biology) so I’ve made a basket from papers. My teacher liked it a lot so she told me to make another one (with another colors) for her, waw! After I gave it to her, my math teacher saw it too, and she told me that if I’ll get a ten on the exam (I’ve had a really important exam for my future) I must make one for her too! :)) And well, I got a ten!! But you know, it wasn’t that easy to make them xD.. + School finished; and this new year I’ll go to another school! Maybe I’ll give it to her in 2024 at the “10 years later” class meeting!
   Finally I got to the final!!   Oh, one more thing – I’m a Grammar Nazi. In Romanian I’m “horrible”. I love to annoy my friends C: (no evil, no) In English, well, I let you decide.
   If you got any more questions, feel free to ask! I’ll answer with pleasure. I hope that this was nice to read, and that I’ve made you a good/better impression about me. Have a lovely day!  :-*

P.S.: This is a picture of my cat :3

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