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Messages - AnimeHunter

Pages: [1]
Complaints / Re: Complaint about admin atlasben vol 2.
« on: 28.07.2017 11:10:43 »
How's this guy not banned, yet? Damn Bluestar, you have the patience of a monk.

"Waa I got kicked from idle server for acting like a retard, better waste my time annoying people because it's the only thing I am good at"

Look at this loser, he:
- Created three Discord accounts (Autistben, BenPaul and TeenyStingray75) **EDIT**: He created another one 'autistbenpaul' **EDIT**: and another one 'atlasbenisaretardedjew' **EDIT**: created another two accounts, posted texts that made our Discord crash

- Created a Twitter page https://twitter.com/TeenyStingRay75

- Created dozens of Steam accounts http://imgur.com/AyIylQ4

- Spent countless hours doxxing (posting names, pics and private accounts)

We're better off without pieces of trash like this. I don't like furries but this is too far and I have no idea why you're allowing these roaches to slip into our domain(s)

General / Re: Discord Server
« on: 12.07.2017 19:46:27 »
it will also keep the community closer, i mean posting in the forums and waiting hours for someone to reply is not a good alternative.

Let's be real here. I don't think keeping the community closer is something that people really want. If we are all in the same discord server, the same people who like each other will stay in their own small channels and won't want to talk to the people they don't like. In the end, it's the same as just having different servers. We can't all like each other or want to talk to each other. Some of us are adults, some are kids. Some like certain games, some don't. This community is too heterogeneous and the only thing that we have in common is TTT, a game we don't play.
I've been in servers were i had absolutely nothing in common with the others, and the age gap is way too great (40+) and it was fine, we chill, we chat, etc.

Also, I'd be lying if i said that we will be talking 24/7 there will be some pauses, there will be people who go to their own channels with their party like how the TS currently is. someone every once in a while, will open up a topic and we will talk about it. if there were more people in the server, there will be more of that certain someone which will cause several topics to be discussed at different times, that's how it was for me in every server.

When I was in that WoW server, we didn't just talk about WoW, sometimes we talk about why cats are superior in comparison to dogs, thot patrolling and why anime should be illegal ( your waifu is trash included ). we had people who were the absolute opposite of each others and watching them is hilarious when they're in an argument (when they do get serious, at the end of the day, they're cool again). sometimes someone who doesn't have any experience in a certain topic, asks for information (ex: "What phone should i get?" ex2: "how to pray the weeb away") and these do help bring the community closer.

General / Re: Discord Server
« on: 12.07.2017 13:30:43 »
Aren't you the Kuwait guy who ragequitted and hacked the website years ago?
Not entirely wrong.
I don't know where you got the hacking idea from but my password was changed by one of my buds who then spammed the forums and i decided to retire as a moderator after that. it was the strap that broke the camels back, you could say.
Also, about the hacking incident that happened after i left, i have no connections to it. I only knew that there were problems with CaTGC servers because i do recall trying to get into the deathrun server to chill for a bit and couldn't

General / Re: Discord Server
« on: 11.07.2017 13:40:17 »

General / Re: Discord Server
« on: 11.07.2017 08:56:26 »
TeamSpeak3 > Discord. Sound quality is so much better if you have good mic.

Also we do have TS3 server so feel free to join. There are not that many people from community tho.
TS3 is more of a event program, you login for something and you log out after you achieve that thing, it's less social compared to Discord.

And about the microphone quality, it's really not noticable. I use both Discord and TS3 but i do not see a difference in mic quality.
and the chat rooms are similar to TS3, you can have a public chat, a chat for admins, a voice chat for X, Y and Z (Ex: http://imgur.com/bD5xssM )

I thought about it for a bit and i guess it won't make much of a difference, it could be because i use Discord regularly and it does not look like you guys use it on a daily basis like myself.

General / Discord Server
« on: 11.07.2017 06:53:00 »
Hey, it's your old friend.

I wanted to hop on to Deathrun but it was empty, so i thought maybe i could use the shoutbox to see if someone would like to join me but after creating the account, i was the only user online.

So, I thought maybe creating a Discord server would help the community better and give more life to the servers.
I can supply you with an example of how it would work:-
I was playing World of Warcraft back in Warlords of Draenor expansion and my guild had this Discord server, I wanted to join a Heroic 5man raid but sometimes it's hard to find people especially early in the morning, so what we did is go to Discord and ask, most of the times, it works. and it will also keep the community closer, i mean posting in the forums and waiting hours for someone to reply is not a good alternative.

It's a really good option and it does not require alot of work, you can make it fancy if you want to but you can just click 'create a server' and invite members.

anyways, it was nice talking to you guys again and 'contributing' once again to the community.

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