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Messages - entityknownevil

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Have the game. Ending is a total mindfuck tbh. Won't spoil it tho :-X .

Introductions / Re: Hello all :)
« on: 17.10.2014 21:46:06 »
Hello! Have a nice stay!

General / Re: Snapchats
« on: 16.10.2014 10:56:39 »
Yea, if my phone could actually run it, i'd give it, but my phone sucks and it won't run it. *throws phone across the room, wall gets a new hole in it*

Introductions / Re: Suparsau's Intro
« on: 14.10.2014 11:20:55 »
My husky was named Husky. Creativity level under -9000.

I'm probably going to take Stavik's advice. I'll buy the katana (yes, it is with an article) and wait for a goty or some massive discount on borderlands. I'll have the money for it when a goty should come out. But I'm open for some other advices, if you have any.

I have played Borderlands 1 and 2 and I got bored of both so fast that I never played trough it.
But I think It might be fun if you have friends to play it.
But if you don't have friends to play with buy the Katana and have fun with it.
He can play with friends with katana? :D

The katana can be his best friend.
So I can play Borderlands with my katana? Not so healthy for my Xbox I guess.

ares.ee The page is in Estonian, so I'm not sure if it ships outside of Estonia.

I'm collecting swords and knives. From the page I have ordered 2 butterfly knives/balisongs, so it's a legit page.

That's an excellent idea poorly! You might not hear from me for a while now.  Fear me, as I strike from the dark. One stab and the blade enters your body, leaving a red stain on the sword.

So, I have this random question: should I buy a katana (a sword if you don't know what it is) or the new borderlands game. Atm I have money for one, but if I collect some more I can buy both. but should I buy both? I'm more on the both side tho. Halp meh plz!

Introductions / Entity's introduction!!
« on: 07.10.2014 22:22:52 »
Hello! I am Entity Known Evil (you can call me Ent or just entity). I am from Estonia. I play a lot of TTT when I have time. I have very slow internet, so I rage a lot, most of my deaths are because of the lag. Blame all on lag. I'm a pretty shy guy tbh. Yea, so, umm, that was it, I guess. Cya! :)

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