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Messages - Mahrin

Pages: 1 [2]
TTT General / Re: This community has gone to sh*t.
« on: 29.05.2014 13:14:14 »
So, i got demoted recently. You may or may not care but you might wonder why. Well let me tell you why, it wasn't that i was inactive or abusive (like some staff members are and get away with it) it was because i was being depressing i heard. Sure. i can see and admit I’ve been a dick recently but has it been for no reason? No. The staff members are hypocrites and ignorant (not all, but way too many.)
Jacuzzi, you are abusive, you swear call people dumb, undermine their opinion and act like a child.
You are super hard to keep track of, and you often go off on a whim, you were demoted because you are emotionally unstable, I’m not saying that you are a bad admin or that the other people are better then you or more suited then you, but they also don’t make long hate rants in the shout box.
Jacuzzi, you need to learn how to deal with your feelings in a more positive way, it does not suit you to be so angry all the time, an admin need to be calm and professional when it matters.

Equality is something we don't have here. You people may not realize the difference on how we treat each other but i see it. And now I’m going to get bit personal when i say this but i also hate how people treat Noomie, it truly disgusts me. People treat her like the queen of fucking England just because she's a female. Same thing was with Sofie when people still thought he was a she. It's so obvious how people suck up to Noomie because of her gender. It’s like desperate teenagers trying to lose their virginity. Sure, Noomie is a nice person and it makes sense why people like her but the way people talk to her is just so obvious.
My fucking god Jacuzzi, I do sincerely hope that you realize by doing these things you are part of the group you describe. You act like her guardian angel, I don’t know how she wants to be treated because I have never asked her, but damn Jacuzzi, you can’t just talk about how other people kiss the ground she walks on when you take on the role of her personal bodyguard.
I have not talked with Noomie about this because you have personally asked me not to, however if things keep going the way they are going now, she is bound to find out sooner or later.

I was demoted because people wanted to shut me up.
Jacuzzi you’re right that you were demoted because people wanted to shut you up, but not the way you make it seem like. People wanted to shut you up because you where obnoxious and angry.
Jacuzzi I like you and I want to support you, but it’s hard, it’s very, very hard to support you when you constantly go out on an angry ranting spree creating more enemys, getting more people mad, and making yourself look even worse than before.
At least i got to speak my mind.
But Jacuzzi, there are many ways to do that, and the way you chose, was it really worth it?

With all that said. Jacuzzi I like you and I have supported you for a long time, and I still intend to do that, but goddamn do you really have to do this? It is true that this community has taken a turn for the worse, but being angry will get us nowhere. I don’t have the insight that I used to on this server due to the fact that I don’t play anymore and I just lurk on the forum. However i still know about common human decency, something that has been decaying on the internet and I’m sad to say that yes this community is on a side tangent, but I have hope, I believe that if the right things are done at the right time, things can take a turn for the better, so I’m sorry that things turned out the way it did, but the way you are approaching the problem is just making it worse. You do have some good points that I agree with but right now I can’t do much. I am doing some, pulling strings and having a hand in the things I think should be supervised, but as I said, I don’t have the insight on the server that I used to, so I ultimately know, I cannot fix everything, no single person can do that at this point in time, so right now me must endure until a chance of improvement presents itself.

TTT General / Re: Hello, Thank you.
« on: 18.05.2014 09:25:33 »
just limit it to admins and higher.

Problem i don't think my hosting software supports it...
Welp in that case i guess just don't bother

True, but the potential for people joining is much higher, due to the fact that you don't have to pay also TBs resent video is sure to give a boost to players, and we do want the community to grow right?

I have ads on tf2, i have donators on ttt. But on that game i don't think i can even do any of those. Even tho when i think of murder, i haven't gotten a penny from it.
It is true that you will not have direct income from it, but if we can get people to get on the forum then we can get people to try the other servers and maybe get them to donate. Just get a plug-in or bot that advertice the server 4-5 times a round ingame and then everything is set

True, but the potential for people joining is much higher, due to the fact that you don't have to pay also TBs resent video is sure to give a boost to players, and we do want the community to grow right?

It's a full release that used to be a HL2 Mod

also 100% free

Oh and a Fistful og Frags server would be nice aswel its a good 1st person western shooter, there are a lot of demand at the moment so I think it could bring in a lot of new members

Could we get a TF2 trading server that i can hang out in?

Unban Appeals / Unban appeal template
« on: 11.05.2014 20:04:29 »
If you have been unfairly banned and are willing to make a case for yourself here is the template you will have to follow in order for us to even consider unbanning you.
Code: [Select]
[b]Steam username:[/b]
[b]Time of ban:[/b]
[b]Admin who banned you:[/b]
[b]Why you where banned:[/b]
[b]Why you should be unbanned:[/b]

Steam username:Fluffyboss
Time of ban:18/4 18:50 GMT+2
Admin who banned you: Mahring
Why you where banned:Being a prick
Why you should be unbanned: Reason that makes sense

If you do not follow these guidelines your appeal will be denied

TTT Suggestions / Re: End Round sounds
« on: 03.05.2014 16:37:41 »
Can I suggest Justin Bieber?
You may suggest whatever you please, however I don't think we will add it.

General / Re: Gamenight!
« on: 03.05.2014 16:36:44 »
I'm up for some games

Killing floor

This is the list of games that I currently have in my steam library that I wish to play with others

CS:GO General / Re: good gamea
« on: 02.05.2014 21:14:54 »
Yes, yes it is.

News / Service announcement
« on: 02.05.2014 20:48:44 »
So Bluestar has asked me to announce this:

Everything that has been done, earned, rewarded, and brought before the 1st of May has been migrated to CaTGC.com
This includes
Your profile - this means you just have to go there and log on and boom, account
Your In-game points - Pointshop points
Your In-game items - hats, weapons and that sort of things
Your donator status (if any)
And your game time

We should host a server on a classic game, so our community name makes more sense. Like cs 1.6 or something like that

isn't TTT a classic at this point?

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