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Messages - Bastard

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General / Re: World map!
« on: 19.08.2014 15:56:24 »
Heil Watsuda!!

General / Re: World map!
« on: 19.08.2014 15:47:50 »

I'd kill the oceans with fire as well if I could, but I just decide to leave it at hating them. Liechtenstein stays gray because who gives a shit about Liechtenstein!? (Also, I'm pretty sure Vorarlberg is a part of Germany on that map for some reason. I can accept that.)

EDIT: I am planning on destroying those countries by telling their leaders that I stubbed my toe.

Bush would look ravishing in drag!


Hey, I'm a cat named Claudia! 8/8/1999! I like swimming and volleyball! Also videogames thanks to Alex! My fellow roommate is a cat named Norman! I also sold goods on the school grounds for some extra cash.

Awww, that cat is beautiful!

General / Re: Is win8 shit?
« on: 17.08.2014 18:34:14 »
It really disgusts me that an ADMINISTRATOR would ever download something illegally. BUT I'M NOT ADMIN LOL ps most of those are shit

General / Re: Goodbye
« on: 14.08.2014 19:05:50 »
This is a great loss for our community!!

Deathrun Suggestions / Re: Radio/Music
« on: 29.07.2014 03:59:04 »
... You want us to choose 100 songs.
Tenacious D - Tenacious D
Tenacious D - The Pick Of Destiny
Tenacious D - Rize Of The Fenix
Boom, that's close to 50songs.

All of which are of the same genre. No, even from the same band. Meaning that if you don't like Tenacious D (and yes, those people do exist), you will dislike half of the songs in the list!

A TF2 server I'm a regular on has a jukebox plug-in. You can request pretty much any song and the people on the server (who have turned it on) hear the song. Request another one and it gets added to the queue. I think it uses Spotify or something? I dunno.

Anyway, the good thing about a Jukebox like that is the fact that everyone hears the same song as you. If they don't like it, they can turn the jukebox's volume down. It's nice knowing that you're all listening to the same song at the moment!

...But listening to a song shouldn't cost 10 points. It should cost zero points.

General / Re: Resignation of Watsuda
« on: 27.07.2014 13:15:23 »
Maybe Galaxyart-senpai will want me now. no im a guy

General / Re: Resignation of Watsuda
« on: 27.07.2014 13:03:38 »
1 year? are you crazy?
SHE DESERVES 10!!!!111


General / Re: Resignation of Watsuda
« on: 27.07.2014 00:33:36 »

I will not be insulted by someone who plays like this. I mean just look at Noomie's second turn. Laugh. LAUGH.

General / Re: Resignation of Watsuda
« on: 26.07.2014 23:58:56 »
On this day, mankind received a grim reminder. We live in fear of the Bushman.

General / Resignation of Watsuda
« on: 26.07.2014 23:56:22 »
Noomie banned me for a year. I loved this beautiful server but I can't take this. I would take revenge on Noomie for banning me for that long but by the time I'm unbanned, she will probably have died because of all the STDs she has. So many middle-aged men have ejaculated in her mouth.

PS: All my powers go to Bushman.

PSS: Noomie the Head Admin? More like "Give head - Admin".

General / Re: I am a fucking idiot.
« on: 16.07.2014 17:01:16 »
Thanks for every response! I see very polarizing opinions here. For some, I am literally Hitler. For others, I am kinda like Hitler, but in a very good way.

What surprised me is the fact that people actually quit because of me and Lincoln, which shouldn't really be a reason to quit at all. Just ignore us.

I didn't know that the server still had problems in the community, seemingly worse ones than before! I don't really know what is going on in this community right now (Mahrin lets people judge for him? What?) but it seems overly dramatic. Can't everyone just get along?  :(

General / I am a fucking idiot.
« on: 16.07.2014 03:55:17 »
Let's just be serious here for a second. And...just do me a favor and read all of this. Think of it as doing me a final favor or something.

How long has it been? Like, 16 months or something since I joined the server for the first time? I became moderator pretty quickly, wrote a kick-ass admin application a month later, and finally became High Staff on the first of July, 2013. I still remember that well, because it was a pretty awesome time for me in general!

Now for everyone who's new to this community, I had the job of denying evaluating staff applications, back when this community was still called "Synchronized Gaming Community". That was months ago! Centuries if you count in internet years!

Now, evaluating Staff Applications was soooo not fun for me. I think I've never told this to anyone, but I didn't really like it and had problems with denying people. I don't remember the first person I denied, but I didn't want to accept that person because the application wasn't...very good...at all, and I didn't know them very well. I remember waiting for hours and delaying my response because I kind of...didn't want to hurt them by denying them...? I did deny them later, though. And I feel like it was correct to do so. But that's not important right now.

I quit High Staff in October and November because I had NOOO free time at all, seriously. I had to study  and work a lot. In December, I was back, with more free time, and happy. More staff applications were written, some accepted, most denied. There were...two or three people who kept writing applications after being denied, because they really wanted that Staff position. I, of course, got increasingly annoyed. The second, third and sometimes even fourth application wasn't a very big improvement over the first one I'd denied, so I saw no reason to accept them again, After all, if I accepted a person after three applications just because I was annoyed, other people would think, "Wow, so I just have to write more and more applications and I'll get accepted someday!". Yeah, no. Denied again.

Uhm, so here's the important part. It's about time I get to that, huh? As they, and by they I mean Leronez and That Guy on the Roof, wrote more applications, I got increasingly annoyed and also increasingly...unpleasant. I may have made a suicide joke and I may have made someone draw a picture of a dead baby just for my amusement. Apparently, I am not quite the white knight I think I am.

Flash forward: The community was split up, I was Head Staff for like two weeks, thought the server was boring because the regulars weren't really here anymore. I did play on both CaT and SyGC, though.
SyGC was then deleted in an...expected turn of events. Since the server "half" I was admin on got deleted, I was pretty much rankless. I did continue playing TTT every once in a while, because I thought it was fun, and thoroughly enjoyed meeting the regulars again on the CaT server. I took most regulars out of my friends list, though, and only kept like 4 of them in there. But don't feel insulted if you were deleted from my friends list, please. Don't take it personally, I was just cleaning up the friends list. It was way too long.

I then got back into TF2 and sort of stopped playing TTT. Whoops.

But I came back today for half an hour, yay! And this is the juicy part, the climax, the moment you've all been waiting for.

One of the admins did something I didn't entirely agreed with. They slayed someone, not me, but someone else, and I just didn't think it was justified. I went to Noomie, a Mod we all know and love, to...basically bitch about it. I told her that I can't believe how useless she can be sometimes. She didn't even call that admin out on that false slay! Come on, that was clearly abuse, right? That's what I thought, at least. After bitching about it, though, she just said "go cry about it", which I thought was uncalled for at first!

Basically...she told me that I had no right to complain about one slay, since I did way shittier things when I was an admin. At first, I thought she had gone crazy, since this had nothing to do with the subject, and I've never seen her so upset at me before. Huh. I basically "fought back" and tried to justify everything I've done up to this point. I failed miserably. The whole argument took about 45 minutes. She made me see what a fucking asshole I had been sometimes and I was not okay with that.

That's when it happened.

I fucking suplexed her out of pure anger. She lay on the ground motionless. I looked at my hands. What had I done?! I killed my only friend.

Suddenly, the previously motionless bag of Noom started shifting. She looked up at me with fury in her eyes and a smug grin.

"Yare, yare. So you've finally shown your true colors!"

Noomie launched herself at me and I barely managed to dodge her since her headbonk would have ruptured all of my internal organs. Noomie, still in the air, grabbed onto a nearby pole to change her trajectory back at me. Expecting this, I put my plan into motion.

She flew right at me, ready to deliver the final kick to my face. As soon as her shoe made contact with  my face, she went right through and the illusion faded away. I suddenly appeared behind her with an evil smile.

"Keikaku doori. It was just a hologram. Chekkumeito."

I stabbed Noomie through the heart with a Katana. Noomie coughed up blood as I lifted her soon to be lifeless body up into the air. When she went limp I dropped her on the ground with the Katana still inside her.

"Resuto in piisu desu", I said, still respecting my worthy opponent. As I walked out the door, I heard the sound of metal shattering behind me.

I couldn't believe it. Baffled and paralyed, I looked at what was happening behind me. As I saw glowing lights coming towards me, I immediately understood. Noomie had shattered the Katana with her bare hands and thrown the pieces at me.

One of the pieces hit me in my left hand, the other in my right. I was pinned to the wall and Noomie walked towards me.

I was sweating bullets, knowing that I could not escape this. Kusoooo! I should have made sure she was deddo.

"I agree, Daniel-san. You should have made sure."

My eyes widened.

"Masaka!! You can read my mind?"

"No, but your face tells me everything. I can read you like an open book."

I immediately knew a clever retort.

"Lol, I didn't know you could read at all!"

Noomie stepped back, shocked. She had just been hit by my sick burn. Screaming, she turned into a pile of ash and was never seen again.

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