02.06.2024 07:20:57

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Messages - Offline

Pages: 1 ... 19 20 [21]
Introductions / Re: Introduction of Offline
« on: 20.06.2014 17:12:47 »

Woop bavaria beer ^-^

best beer of the world

Introductions / Introduction of Offline
« on: 20.06.2014 17:00:37 »
mine name is Heinrich and i am 17 years old. I live in Bavaria,Germany.
I am a part of this community for quiet a long time.
There is not much to tell about me.
I am still going to school. I am in the 11th class and studieng Technology.
You can meet me often in the Ts3 server and most people know me pretty well.
If you want to know more just ask.

TTT General / Re: TTT crosshair bug
« on: 19.06.2014 22:37:00 »
How many pixels does your screen and in-game resolution has?
1920 x 1080
WRONG! ITS 2 073 600 PIXELS!!!

 so i assume you counted them?

TTT General / Re: TTT crosshair bug
« on: 18.06.2014 21:46:13 »
i think it's not a bug.
There is a option in the setting which can fix it i think.

Deathrun Suggestions / Re: Deathrun bugs
« on: 17.06.2014 17:36:35 »
infinity times (last picture)

Deathrun Suggestions / Re: Deathrun bugs
« on: 17.06.2014 17:19:37 »
really junked? really?

DarkRP Suggestions / Re: DarkRP rules suggestions?
« on: 16.06.2014 00:33:48 »
we should write the NLR and set it to F2 or F3 or wahtever.
Since i don't know the whole NLR.

DarkRP Suggestions / Re: DarkRP rules suggestions?
« on: 12.06.2014 02:49:48 »
We should really set some rules which are telling when you are allowed to kill another player and when not.

DarkRP Suggestions / Re: DarkRP rules suggestions?
« on: 11.06.2014 23:30:42 »
We are working on rules for the new DarkRP server.
The rules we have established right now are:
* No prop killing
* No RDM
* Dont break NLR
* Only bankers can legally own money printers
* Do not prop abuse ( Surf/Climb/Kill )
* Use commmon sense (Respect all players)
* Don't mic spam/chat spam
* Do not block roads/playerowned areas with props
* Admins word is law

Not satisfied? Tell us what rules you would like to see on the server.

i think you can delete the first rule since it's in the 5 rule too.

rules that should be added is:

No randome lockdown by the Mayor

No randome arrests

DarkRP Suggestions / Re: DarkRP rules suggestions?
« on: 11.06.2014 23:28:47 »
If someone says in OOC, "I have printers in this house," you can't go to that house. Your character cannot hear OOC, so they wouldn't know about the printer.

Do you have any idea how hard it will be to pretend you didn't just see the guy admit to having printers in that house?

It's dark RP (role play)
that means if someone says something in OOC (out of character) you can't know it and you have to act like this. And if people don't understand this they have to learn.

TTT Suggestions / Re: New Free Donator Only Gun
« on: 01.06.2014 17:48:40 »
Buffed H.U.G.E is fucking op.
For example in sygc

TTT General / Re: This community has gone to sh*t.
« on: 31.05.2014 23:53:13 »
Future only holds good things ^-^

Don't be so sure ...
alot of things are going in the wrong way
pessimist offline is here to save the day.

Someone has to be a perssimist.

TTT General / Re: This community has gone to sh*t.
« on: 31.05.2014 23:15:17 »
Future only holds good things ^-^

Don't be so sure ...
alot of things are going in the wrong way

TTT General / Re: Map voting
« on: 21.05.2014 19:05:42 »
seems like every map has won

TTT Suggestions / Re: End Round sounds
« on: 21.05.2014 14:22:11 »
0:00-0:15 Innocents
0:06-0:21 Innocents

you can choose


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