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Messages - Dragzorath

Pages: 1 [2]
Complaints / Re: Reporting Pyjak for being bad moderator.
« on: 14.08.2014 12:26:39 »
So you think, i need to record always? What the hell? Well, i think moderators have everything, and they wont get punished never so yeah, close this. Thats lame!

What I think is that you need definite proof if you're going to blame somebody, of course a video would be ideal, but if you feel like you were done wrong you should make screencaps at the least.

From looking at the console logs, I can see that they are both premades (A pre-arranged group of people who will do an activity together.)
Like you can see here both of them got pissed off because Pyjak warned one of them, why would Nick get pissed off when he had no business to do in this.
and they are trying to shame Pyjak and get him mad.

It's a possibility but I doubt it, they do not have eachother added on Steam.

I don't see anything coming out of this so I'm locking the thread and asking everybody to just move on and forget this happened. Next time have definite proof in the form of pictures or video.

Complaints / Re: Reporting Pyjak for being bad moderator.
« on: 14.08.2014 12:08:20 »
Unless anyone has convincing proof of their stories (digital text chatlogs don't make very convincing proof), I'm going to agree with Noomie. There just doesn't seem to be any ground to punish anybody.

People should remember that a lot of grey-area situations can arise in a gamemode like TTT that is based on non-physical assumptions and evidence.

DarkRP General / Re: A Sad day.
« on: 13.08.2014 23:15:51 »
We're already planning the improved DarkRP server, it mostly depends on how quickly Bluestar can get money for addons. How does everybody feel about a fictional dystopia somewhere in the american 1930's? For the layman, that's an emphasis on roleplaying, mafia and corruption.

DarkRP General / Re: A Sad day.
« on: 13.08.2014 19:13:08 »
Bluestar got pissed because the server was constantly empty and removed it for the time being. It will be back at some point in the future.

General / Re: POLL: Front page layout
« on: 12.08.2014 17:07:11 »
Welp, people obviously prefer the old layout. I'm changing it back.

EDIT: So while I'm at it, does anyone have any complaints or suggestions regarding the layout?

General / POLL: Front page layout
« on: 12.08.2014 16:14:06 »
I changed the layout to be a bit more consistent, if people don't like the changes, I'll revert back to old layout within a week.

I locked the topic. I don't see how discussion could be beneficial to anyone, if you must continue don't do it in the chatbox, but do it privately.

General / Re: I guess I'm a bad president.
« on: 11.08.2014 12:14:16 »
First you need some farms, some farms are more profitable during some seasons and in some areas than other farms.

But don't be fooled, this is actually a cover for manufacturing drugs, after that you need some distribution, so build one of those deliveries. This is the cover for your drug-dealers.

After this is set, you should just take it easy for a year or so until your farms yield crop and the drug-dealers sell your farm-drugs abroad, after you get some profit, feel free to spend a bit, just don't spend too much or you won't have enough for wages and possible disasters.

General / Re: I guess I'm a bad president.
« on: 11.08.2014 10:20:54 »
You can't overspend in Tropico, profits are estimates not set amounts since there are constant costs.

So if you spend all your money in the beginning of the new fiscal year, all your little drug-dealers and drug-manufacturers and drug-lords can't get paid, so you should always keep a certain amount of money available in case shit happens, and wait until you have established stable profits before spending.

General / Re: Tropico 5 bug, send help plx
« on: 06.08.2014 23:49:31 »
Looks like a hardware error. Lack of similar cases online reduces the chances of it being the game's fault.

Do you have problems in other games of relatively same age and production value? (having similar issues in similar games would mean your GPU has problems rendering some specific method)
Is your GPU old? (older GPUs might not support fancier shaders and rendering software versions)
Possibly damaged or overheats often? (either would obviously cause performance loss and random issues in games)
Does your GPU support whatever rendering the game uses? (even if your GPU isn't ancient or damaged, it might still be old enough not to support shaders or DirectX11, in this case you could try running the game on DirectX9 or DirectX8 and turning all fancy effects off)
Tried installing newest drivers? (you might have corrupt drivers, and the latest experimental drivers might have some fixes for newest games)
Tried installing newest recommended drivers? (you might have corrupt drivers, and the latest experimental drivers might have issues with newest games)
Tried reinstalling prerequisites like DirectX? (Steam automatically reinstalls prerequisite software when you launch a game, but there's still a chance something might had gone wrong, so it doesn't hurt to try)
Tried doing a clean install of the game? (clean, as uninstall the game and manually check if all files and changes are removed and reverted, then reinstall the game)
Tried running the game in clean vmachines? (this would confirm whether it was a hardware or software issue)

Upcoming Updates / Re: DarkRP
« on: 10.06.2014 19:06:37 »
DarkRP Drugs (Meth, Cocaine, Cannabis)

What about Durgz mod?

More the merrier.

I've liked all updates I can think of so far, but there are still few things that bother me:

The wages aren't proportional and are static, people can just afk for money to buy guns and hookers and shit, there's absolutely no reason to be a citizen because most other jobs are straight upgrades.

Maybe you could try rebalancing the wages, add jobs that promote peaceful activities like groceries, fastfood and shit, since most jobs right now are related to either crime or fighting crime.

It would also be nice to have some sort of basic survival needs, like some kind of hunger bar.

It would require you to have a bit money at all times to survive and would give more use to peaceful jobs, not just collect money for a gun or a car to fuck around with for a short while.


I think some jobs like hitmen don't serve a purpose, it just gives people a legitimate way to RDM, nothing stops a hitman from asking a friend to put a hit on someone for 1 dollar.

Upcoming Updates / Re: DarkRP
« on: 09.06.2014 00:01:22 »
All of those addons seem pretty good, I'd also like to add these to consideration.

DarkRP Fire System
Adds new job, more ways to approach situations, overall more depth.

Time For Jobs - DarkRP Addon
Adds playtime requirements for jobs, so there wouldn't be random scrubs running around as mayor.

Tumbler Based Lock-Picking
Adds ability to pick locks using a breakable lockpick, useful for burglaries and shit.

DarkRP Fine System
Adds ability to fine people for law enforcement, passive option for dealing with crime.

DarkRP Advanced Arresting w. Bail System
Adds ability to modify arrest time and be released with bail.

DarkRP Drugs (Meth, Cocaine, Cannabis)

DarkRP Defibrillator
Adds new swep that can revive the recently deceased, makes medics more useful.

HHH - A decent hitman system
Makes hitmen easier to use.

Real damage ( Works on any gamemode )
Makes damage more realistic, so a person is less likely to survive 4 headshots.

TTT Like Body Examining
Adds popups upon examining corpses that describe the cause of death.

Ghost NLR Area Protection
Makes players unable to interact with the close vicinity of their death location for some time.

General / Re: Smiles general
« on: 05.05.2014 21:09:27 »

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