General => Silly and useless topics! => Topic started by: Bastard on 20.10.2016 23:03:27

Title: Hate Thread
Post by: Bastard on 20.10.2016 23:03:27
So hate is not allowed in this community and this is understandable but psychological experts have found out that if you keep your hate inside of you, you have an increased chance of dying someday.

List reasons why you are better than everyone else in this community! (This is a good self-confidence-booster!)

Title: Re: Hate Thread
Post by: Другарю Рийл_Дийл on 20.10.2016 23:16:11
So hate is not allowed in this community and this is understandable but psychological experts have found out that if you keep your hate inside of you, you have an increased chance of dying someday.

List reasons why you are better than everyone else in this community! (This is a good self-confidence-booster!)

  • Friends IRL
  • I get drunk sometimes, outside of my apartment
  • No social anxiety
  • A stranger talked to me in the gym today and I didn't feel my heart drop
Martin Luther says we are born with evil and predestined to have it so your work is an abolisher to his theory.
Title: Re: Hate Thread
Post by: Bastard on 20.10.2016 23:18:20
Who cares about the theories about some dumb "I have a dream" guy? XD
Title: Re: Hate Thread
Post by: Stavik on 20.10.2016 23:27:09
wow, Watsuda must be the complete opposite of me. phew.
Title: Re: Hate Thread
Post by: ps3-sensei on 20.10.2016 23:29:00
you bet
Title: Re: Hate Thread
Post by: Bastard on 20.10.2016 23:45:02
wow, Watsuda must be the complete opposite of me. phew.

Thanks to your post, I now remember that you exist and can list 5 more points that make me better than the average CaTGC user. (But I won't because I'm too busy building muscle while having a laugh with my friends and strangers.)

you bet

Let me try what I remember from German class to speak to you. Du bist eine Idiot. Bitte Gehe raus aus meinem Faden.
Title: Re: Hate Thread
Post by: Poorly on 20.10.2016 23:51:59
Title: Re: Hate Thread
Post by: Naomie Smalls on 21.10.2016 01:05:37

You are all inferior
Title: Re: Hate Thread
Post by: Nieksas on 21.10.2016 08:34:49
Title: Re: Hate Thread
Post by: Dr. Deltality on 21.10.2016 10:59:57
Not obese (except for the boob section)
now I know not to believe this post
Title: Re: Hate Thread
Post by: Bastard on 21.10.2016 15:18:10
Not obese (except for the boob section)
now I know not to believe this post

You should have noticed that no one who says "whaa? date?  the fruit?" will never go on a date.

Here's another one:

Title: Re: Hate Thread
Post by: Bluestar on 21.10.2016 17:13:17

Still a virgin and fat (Not a jew at least) :(
Title: Re: Hate Thread
Post by: Dr. Deltality on 21.10.2016 17:42:45
If this was a hate thread, why aren't we throwing insults at other community members, instead of bragging about things that an average person has already achieved? Kinda like the 5 compliments I made a long time ago, except with insults.
Title: Re: Hate Thread
Post by: ps3-sensei on 21.10.2016 17:47:24
cuz u are inbred eks dee XDDD
Title: Re: Hate Thread
Post by: Dr. Deltality on 21.10.2016 18:02:42
Yes, cuz you've left no impression of having a genetic brain defect in the shit you write
Title: Re: Hate Thread
Post by: Bastard on 21.10.2016 19:08:58
If this was a hate thread, why aren't we throwing insults at other community members, instead of bragging about things that an average person has already achieved?

It doesn't matter what a normal, well-rounded person has achieved. This thread is about being better than the average CaTGC user, so lower your standards a little. I think so far all the lists here were pretty on-topic.

  • Made more people happy than any of you

This one has the most potential to be interesting. Elaborate!  :clap:

Also, being a jew has nothing to do with religion. It's your state of mind. Just like there are faggots who aren't gay.
Title: Re: Hate Thread
Post by: Stavik on 21.10.2016 23:47:36
  • Not obese (except for the boob section)
in your dreams xD
Title: Re: Hate Thread
Post by: Bastard on 22.10.2016 00:16:35
  • Actually has been on dates XD (whaa? date? the fruit?)
  • Rich af
  • Know 3 (soon 4) languages xddddd
  • Not obese (except for the boob section)

In your dreams.

  • The only non virgin here XDDD

In your nightmares. I know that sex terrifies you.
Title: Re: Hate Thread
Post by: Naomie Smalls on 22.10.2016 22:32:24
    • Not obese (except for the boob section)
    in your dreams xD

    Pff reality for you i bet >:(
    Title: Re: Hate Thread
    Post by: Bastard on 30.10.2016 16:11:29
    Title: Re: Hate Thread
    Post by: Bang on 01.11.2016 17:46:35
    - Good at all sports
    - Good at all games
    - Good at
    - Everything
    - Likes chocolate.
    Title: Re: Hate Thread
    Post by: Bastard on 05.07.2019 15:16:53
    when something makes me mad i break my fingesh
    Title: Re: Hate Thread
    Post by: Bluestar on 14.07.2019 07:03:09
    when something makes me mad i break my fingesh

    I thought when you were mad you were stubbing your toes.
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