Trouble in Terrorist Town => TTT Complaints / Unban appeals => Topic started by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 17.10.2014 23:04:13

Title: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 17.10.2014 23:04:13
My in-game name: [PP|LIZ|Stealing]
My Steam ID: [STEAM_0:1:17786919]
Other person's in-game name: [Bang] [Rexel] [King of duck]
Complaint with bang is not enfrocing trdm laws. From exhibit 1 we can see that player rexel has killed me 10 seconds later after my first kill. from the logs it is seen that he did not id the body.  which begs the question did he ever see me kill anyone. most likly is that he heard that someone was killed wth a spas and knowing my ps habbits saw me and assued i killed someone. should he have seen me he would have either given a kos on me or at very least id the body. but he did not infact do that. in rdm report he claims to have seen me kill someone however he also say that he knows my habbits in ps which leaves possibility of meatagaiming open.
Now as to complain of rexel and king of duck here is a small list of screenshots that show that players rexel and king of duck cooperating without using any sort of ingame communication while playing with me. at that moment there were only 3 player on a server. meaning both of them and me . by looking at those screenshots we can fairly certanly assume that both of them are using out game communication to cooperate.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Offline on 17.10.2014 23:21:25
Bang actually told you to create a forum account and post the screens there.
But you refused and got mad and pleased him to ban you.
So you should leave bang out of your complain since he was just doing his job.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 17.10.2014 23:32:45
whther or not to file a complaint is my business. i also warned that if i joined a forum there would be drama. so here it is. i filed with complaint about his action towards rexel. i have no objections to a ban.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Bang on 17.10.2014 23:58:24
Hello Liz, I was there for the incident and Rexel was looking down the stairs towards me when the "murder" happened which was the direction of you. He killed you and I did not hear this and I killed him thinking he RDMed you. Checking the logs I saw that you had killed a man. If you kill a man a guy sees it he will kill you.

You also refused to go on the forum and make a complaint about it which I see you did now, where is your pictures so that I could identify the issue of him ghosting? Where is your valid proof, all I am seeing so far is word against word as I said before you went ahead and called us cock suckers and threaten to mass RDM and harass people.

I only took a SS after you spammed the admin chat, and as you asked I perma banned you. I don't see the issue with me as all I did was tell you to show me your proof on the forum and I would take the case, but you refused to do this because "You was an admin on an russian server for 1.5 years and it would only case drama?" makes no sense but okay.
Then you go ahead and do it, and then you report me for doing what I am supposed to do, be no biased. Then you insult us and expect us to ban a guy we've never seen or barely heard of based on your words only.

Sorry but could you try a bit harder and calm down before you go on an ego spree because a guy killed you based on valid proof.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 00:06:46
true that i killed someone but neither he called me out neither he id the body. so it could have been anything . for all he know i could have killed a t and went to disarm c4.  you also read his respons to a report in which he implied metagiming. i asked you to just have a look at my screenshots on my account which would take you litteray about  5 clicks.
also i would like to start a give away in this thread . first lot will be xcome complete as well as 2 copies of do not starve. this lots will be given away to people who will post their opinion on the matter here and me being a judge will be giving them away to people with best opinions.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Bastard on 18.10.2014 00:20:43
So are you just saying that it could have been RDM? It's entirely possible he is telling the truth and he saw you kill the guy. Not identifying the body you killed (and didn't ID yourself) just increases the chances of him surprising you with his kill.

And also, you wanted to be banned.

Not really interested in XComb, but I'd love a copy of You Shall Not Starve.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Naomie Smalls on 18.10.2014 00:22:34
are you trolling? I can't take this serious
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: The Guy on The Roof on 18.10.2014 00:27:08
How does your pictures make sense? please explain to me in a 150+ essay
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 00:28:43
What i am saying that i do not belive that he saw a boddy however what i said in my last post whas playing devils advocate.  why would he mention metagaiming in his answer to my report and leave amybe 20 seconds later?
also i reserve a right not to gift to post i deem unaccaptable
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Soup on 18.10.2014 00:29:06
Quick question does Xcone come with the DLC Foe from the inside?
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: The Guy on The Roof on 18.10.2014 00:30:26
Work on your spelling plz. k thx
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 00:32:05
yeah x com comes with all its dlc
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Naomie Smalls on 18.10.2014 00:35:09
The pics make no sense, I don't see any signs of ghosting, Bang did what you asked. Yay drama is done give me game.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Bastard on 18.10.2014 00:35:31
So where is my game
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 00:37:02
watsuda and noomie your opinion do not seem valid to me. you might want to review them
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Bastard on 18.10.2014 00:38:20
Actually, I was just joking. Bang should get demoted, probably. Yeah, that ban wasn't legit. Your screenshots are enlightening.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: The Guy on The Roof on 18.10.2014 00:38:46
watsuda and noomie your opinion do not seem valid to me. you might want to review them
I'm waiting for my essay.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Naomie Smalls on 18.10.2014 00:39:43
I didn't give opinions, lol. It's facts. You don't have enough evidence, the pictures are useless. You used the admin chat for no apparent reason at all and got banned after you asked for it.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 00:40:23
this is not ielts . i dunno want to write a 500 word essay on environment so op will not deliver on it.
watsuda too much sarcasm to be valid. keep reviewing
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 00:41:11
noomie lets agree to disagree
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: The Guy on The Roof on 18.10.2014 00:41:59
this is not ielts . i dunno want to write a 500 word essay on environment so op will not deliver on it.
watsuda too much sarcasm to be valid. keep reviewing
You can't even write  500 essay on environment, I wrote a 5 pages long essay on it scrub.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 00:44:16
this is not ielts . i dunno want to write a 500 word essay on environment so op will not deliver on it.
watsuda too much sarcasm to be valid. keep reviewing
You can't even write  500 essay on environment, I wrote a 5 pages long essay on it scrub.
i wrote my last essay about 5 years ago . on a subject of uk subsidies for new cars.  it was about 2500 words essay. i belive its much more interesting subject than environment which has been already overwritten
also you may add your suggestion for games for giveaway.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Bang on 18.10.2014 00:45:27
I thought you said he killed you 10 seconds after you killed a guy. If I see someone kill a guy I kill them before I check a body, he did not have the time to check the bodies before I killed him out of reflex.

Now to respond to that, I don't see any certain proof he was ghosting?
Would it not be harsh if I perma banned a guy for ghosting, but he wasn't?
Before I ban a guy I have to _make sure_ he did this, all I see if screenshots of a guy killing you with you stating they skyped.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Bastard on 18.10.2014 00:45:36
Make a three line post without any grammar/spelling mistakes or any other mistakes of that kind and I'll give you Civ IV.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 00:48:00
i have shown you chat of that game. on my radar they are both camping in same location . we can see that rexel uses text based communication. how then with no other messages they both camp same room?
also i take suggestion for gift games
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Bastard on 18.10.2014 00:49:24
Shovel Knight.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Bang on 18.10.2014 00:49:57
They were both innocent, you said one was inno and the other was a traitor?
You might understand why I am doubting you through all this, all the _vital_ details you gave to me have been wrong so far.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 00:51:16
on radar both are was 3 person round.  wanna guess why they camp same room when t is looking for them?
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 00:52:00
Shovel Knight.
added to the list but waiting on a valid opinion but i doubt it will be possible for you
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Bastard on 18.10.2014 00:53:55
Transistor and Super Meat Boy!

Transistor is just a work of art. I love Supergiant Games for making Bastion, but I think Transistor was even better. The music, the combat system, the visuals! It's all so great! Seriously, it's the only game where I considered ordering a physical copy of the sountrack.

And Super Meat Boy is a great game for people who are looking for really tough platgformers. When you die, it's not frustrating. It's actually your fault. You instantly respawn and the music doesn't stop. This makes a huge difference over other games like IWBTG, which are way more frustrating. I spent about 65 hours on Super Meat Boy, and I am far from getting all the achivevements. (Which is near impossible anyway.)
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Bang on 18.10.2014 00:55:42
on radar both are was 3 person round.  wanna guess why they camp same room when t is looking for them?

From a guy that buys T rounds 9/10 I would suggest there could be a coincidence where you killed them 2-3 rounds before?

It's hypothetical but I would understand if it happened.

I have no proof to ban these people and I don't see you appealing to have your own case appealed which I suggest you drop it entirely unless you actually post proof that I can use.

Good night.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 00:58:11
Transistor and Super Meat Boy!
sure thing. but 1 per person.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Poorly on 18.10.2014 00:59:04
you shoud giev me a copu of paydau2  8)
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: The Guy on The Roof on 18.10.2014 00:59:23
Are you giving games to people, just to get unbanned?
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 01:01:47
Are you giving games to people, just to get unbanned?
i give them to not assholes
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 01:02:57
you shoud giev me a copu of paydau2  8)
add me
also give us your opinion
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Bastard on 18.10.2014 01:04:26
But how is everyone who is not on your side immediately an asshole?

Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 01:05:59
But how is everyone who is not on your side immediately an asshole?

asshole is subjective term and not onjective. so i can not define it. but i would categorise you as 1
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Shy on 18.10.2014 01:07:42
ignore them go to bluestar or someone that will unbanned you
because they dont have the right to ban you even if you ask for it
so yeah

Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Bastard on 18.10.2014 01:16:35
oh my lord
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Naomie Smalls on 18.10.2014 01:16:56
Disagree about what Liz?

Also: You're basically buying friends, giving people games if they give nice opinions. Whut Tha Fuk.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 01:18:37
oh my lord
please stop using stocking as your avatar. i have fantasized about her way too much.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 01:18:55
Disagree about what Liz?
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Bluestar on 18.10.2014 01:19:46
ignore them go to bluestar or someone that will unbanned you
because they dont have the right to ban you even if you ask for it
so yeah

If someone was mean and asked for a ban or threatened to RDM and spam i would probably ban them as well. But in all honesty just ask for unban you want and i am quite sure people will unban you. Or if you have any direct complaint you can always go to Dragzorath or use forum. Also shy if you don't know something you should not really post.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Bastard on 18.10.2014 01:19:58
Have you seen that one hentai where they help the guy with masturbating because nobody is able to masturbate anymore?? I think it's called chocolate something.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Naomie Smalls on 18.10.2014 01:21:24
Disagree about what Liz?

You're weird. And a briber.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Shy on 18.10.2014 01:22:57
ignore them go to bluestar or someone that will unbanned you
because they dont have the right to ban you even if you ask for it
so yeah

If someone was mean and asked for a ban or threatened to RDM and spam i would probably ban them as well. But in all honesty just ask for unban you want and i am quite sure people will unban you. Or if you have any direct complaint you can always go to Dragzorath or use forum. Also shy if you don't know something you should not really post.
i just found out that he was not serious about the complain thing and you are right if he really asked for it then he should get what he really wanted

Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 01:23:07
Have you seen that one hentai where they help the guy with masturbating because nobody is able to masturbate anymore?? I think it's called chocolate something.
no but i have read probably over 10 doujins of panty and stocking.
also poorly answer my friend request and say your point of view
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 01:24:03
Disagree about what Liz?

You're weird. And a briber.
you say it like bribes do not exist.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Bastard on 18.10.2014 01:25:28
Saying someone is bribing means bribes do not exist.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 01:26:56
Saying someone is bribing means bribes do not exist.
wanna guess how people get elected?
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 01:39:07
thats a mean thing yo block a person who sent you a freind request to gift you a game poorly
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Bastard on 18.10.2014 01:40:28
Saying someone is bribing means bribes do not exist.
wanna guess how people get elected?

I doubt you'd know. Did you read that in a tabloid or something?
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Naomie Smalls on 18.10.2014 01:49:03
What's wrong with your logic, Liz?
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Offline on 18.10.2014 09:16:09
Liz it is no use to keep talking about this.
Just ask about getting unbanned and it is done.
You have to admit that you acted like a asshole to the Staff which was a mistake.
You should have listened to Bang and just create a Forumaccount or maybe even add him on steam and move the conversation there.
And just becouse someguys are communicating out of the game doesn't mean they are ghosting with eachother.
For example: Staff and others players are keep talking with eachother over Ts3 and we are not ghosting.
And you need to understand to call someone a ghoster is a heavyacusation and you need a very good proof for it.
Well, your screens neither your story can tell that they were ghosting.
The only thing you can see is that they were communicating out of game and that they might be ghosting and that staff should take a look at them to make sure if they do or not.
If the staff says they are not ghosting then they are not ghosting and then you gotta leave this alone.

So you should close this post since it will lead to no where.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Explod1ngCake on 18.10.2014 09:50:59
How about Dust:An Elysian Tale?I'd want that game.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Dr. Deltality on 18.10.2014 10:36:36
Lol, if getting something bad for asking for it, I'd be a regular in the server by now.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 12:00:59
Liz it is no use to keep talking about this.
Just ask about getting unbanned and it is done.
You have to admit that you acted like a asshole to the Staff which was a mistake.
You should have listened to Bang and just create a Forumaccount or maybe even add him on steam and move the conversation there.
And just becouse someguys are communicating out of the game doesn't mean they are ghosting with eachother.
For example: Staff and others players are keep talking with eachother over Ts3 and we are not ghosting.
And you need to understand to call someone a ghoster is a heavyacusation and you need a very good proof for it.
Well, your screens neither your story can tell that they were ghosting.
The only thing you can see is that they were communicating out of game and that they might be ghosting and that staff should take a look at them to make sure if they do or not.
If the staff says they are not ghosting then they are not ghosting and then you gotta leave this alone.

So you should close this post since it will lead to no where.
hey i never said i was not an asshole. neither did i ever say i am perfect. And for thos things i appoligise. however do not act like i am just some spoiled brat and you all are perfect. i am pretty sure there are some assholes here other than me.
well if there are 3 people on a server. 2 of them hid in same place and  are saying stuff about me byuing a radar i belive its clear they knew that i was a t due to them both beign inno. if so, it looks like clear ghosting case.
as i mentioned earlier all it would take for bang to look at evidence for my case is to look at my screenshots which he refused to do considering it is much faster way than to creat an account here and make a thread.
also no need to unban me.
did i mention that english is not my first language? also it not most convinient way to spellcheck on a phone while being half drunk.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 12:05:18
Saying someone is bribing means bribes do not exist.
wanna guess how people get elected?

I doubt you'd know. Did you read that in a tabloid or something?
lets look at what an official does when he  or she runs for office. they promise to do things for general population in exchange for votes.
also i work in medical industry and have visited many places around europe and parts of usa and canada. let me tell you that all your drugs , and not only them but all over the world are overpriced. i worked in turkey . there was a drug manufacturer that sold drugs for 50 euro in bulks. cost of drug were actually about 5-6 euro. you know what deal turkish goverment cut with a drug company. they signed a deal using price of 50 euro however they only paid 50 turkish liras for drugs. i am not even talking about corruption in utilities industry.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Offline on 18.10.2014 12:08:21
Well try to be nice to people if you want help.
And actually,
If there are 3 people on the server it is hard to say if they ghost or not.
and it is not agains tthe rules to play with your friends as long you don't break the rules.
And I am pretty sure: to camp with your friend isn't breaking any rule.
Tell me if I am wrong in some point
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 12:09:59
as for games i decided to change them. borderlands pre sequel and ailien isolation.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 12:14:03
Well try to be nice to people if you want help.
And actually,
If there are 3 people on the server it is hard to say if they ghost or not.
and it is not agains tthe rules to play with your friends as long you don't break the rules.
And I am pretty sure: to camp with your friend isn't breaking any rule.
Tell me if I am wrong in some point
well, initally i was nice to bang when i told him about rexel.
then we had a chat
theni told him to have a look at screeshots on my profile 5 clicks away. he demanded a forum post so here i am.
well i see no problem with playing with a friend. however i do belive that if 2 people are in same room and completly trsut each other in case of 3 people on a server it begs a question why they trust each other.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Offline on 18.10.2014 12:20:46
somtimes I also trust my friend completly.
For example Noomie sometimes I can trust her sometimes I get backstabbed.
Can you prove that it is something different with them?
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 12:21:59
somtimes I also trust my friend completly.
For example Noomie sometimes I can trust her sometimes I get backstabbed.
Can you prove that it is something different with them?
so they trust each other not to be choosen by a system that chooses random people?
is that your point?
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Offline on 18.10.2014 12:25:01
I saw REXEL a few times on the server and he might know that you buy like every round T rounds.
That's probably why he trusts his friend that much.
Since he knows that you are the T (like everytime).
Even I would trust the other guy a lot more than you.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Offline on 18.10.2014 12:27:32
and btw
why didn't you show us any of the report answers yet?
I mean they are very important in such a case.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 12:28:38
I saw REXEL a few times on the server and he might know that you buy like every round T rounds.
That's probably why he trusts his friend that much.
Since he knows that you are the T (like everytime).
Even I would trust the other guy a lot more than you.
>implying metagaiming
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Offline on 18.10.2014 12:29:45
No metagaming.
Just normal human thinking.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Offline on 18.10.2014 12:31:11
and try to answer my question
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 12:34:59
and btw
why didn't you show us any of the report answers yet?
I mean they are very important in such a case.
because i assmued that bang would do something.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Offline on 18.10.2014 12:39:07
He can't do anything as long you don't show him proof that they are metagaming.
And the answers on the reports might have been the proof you needed.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 12:40:00
aren't reports stored on a server? i am pretty sure bang or other admins can bring them up whenever they want
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: WiewManger on 18.10.2014 12:40:57
Well yes stealing does buy t rounds, but he has reduced it now and he has been playing normally (FINALLY)

I can't really give any opinion on the ghosting because well how can we prove it, but well if they were not communicating in-game then how did they discuss that stealing is the t?

Giveaway: Bring back the small titles (Don't Starve)
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 12:42:57
Well yes stealing does buy t rounds, but he has reduced it now and he has been playing normally (FINALLY)

I can't really give any opinion on the ghosting because well how can we prove it, but well if they were not communicating in-game then how did they discuss that stealing is the t?

Giveaway: Bring back the small titles (Don't Starve)
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: WiewManger on 18.10.2014 12:50:14
Thank you!  :-*
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Offline on 18.10.2014 12:55:00
On your screens which should have proven them to be metagming I just see:

1. You accusing others to be skypers/metagamers

2. Friends camping with eachother

3. King of Duck walkind towards you with voicechat on.

4. You getting killed 4 secs after you killed someguy.

No Staff could work with that.
and what is it you see in your screens?
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 12:58:25
in regards to bang and rexel
i only snapped a ending round screen because i thought it might be usefull however i did not snap a answer to report.
in regards to ghosting. there is chat history in there.  in there we see that rexel acknolidged that he and kinf of duck were in same place and waiting for me. without any other chat prior to his messges.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Offline on 18.10.2014 13:05:33
Well yeah it is a reason to suspect them but not a reason to instantly perma ban both of them.
So only thing that Bang could do was:
Telling you to create a Post in which everything related to the topic could be discussed and inspected.
But your proof is too weak to be a reason to ban them.
But it is a reason for the staff to look closer at those two guys incase they are really metagaming.

It is bad that you didn't take screens of the report answers since those might be very heavy proof of metagaming.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 13:09:33
Well yeah it is a reason to suspect them but not a reason to instantly perma ban both of them.
So only thing that Bang could do was:
Telling you to create a Post in which everything related to the topic could be discussed and inspected.
But your proof is too weak to be a reason to ban them.
But it is a reason for the staff to look closer at those two guys incase they are really metagaming.

It is bad that you didn't take screens of the report answers since those might be very heavy proof of metagaming.
i am pretty sure reports are stored on server. i am sure it  admins can pull em up whenever they want.
at what point i said ban?
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: The Guy on The Roof on 18.10.2014 13:15:28
Why do you use snapchat to prove a point? I say you admit that you were dumb and lets all move on, okay? 
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 13:31:49
Why do you use snapchat to prove a point? I say you admit that you were dumb and lets all move on, okay? 
i say what i say
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Offline on 18.10.2014 14:02:39
You should ask someone then to do so and do it in the kind way
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 14:06:34
well, if admins want to know what happened they will look into it. if not nothing really happens
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Offline on 18.10.2014 14:38:34
You should ask for getting unbanned and if it happens again take more usefull screens for example of the report and then try again.
To continue with this argument is nosense since it will end up in nothing.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 14:43:26
ш фь тще пуеештп гтфитуу
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Offline on 18.10.2014 14:53:19
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 14:57:13
sorry, forgot to change from russian to english.meant to say
i am not getting unbanned
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Bastard on 18.10.2014 15:28:51
Guys. He's clearly trolling. Why are you all taking this topic so seriously? He started a giveaway, for crying out loud. And then he started to talk about corruption in politics and made a post in Russian without noticing.

Oh, dude, what about Cave Story+?
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 15:35:22
Guys. He's clearly trolling. Why are you all taking this topic so seriously? He started a giveaway, for crying out loud. And then he started to talk about corruption in politics and made a post in Russian without noticing.

Oh, dude, what about Cave Story+?
winner of my giveaway may ask for any game or bundle up to 50 usd.
as for you. NO
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Nieksas on 18.10.2014 15:36:17
I am in :D
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 15:45:57
did i mention i am not big fan os sarcasm? (
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Другарю Рийл_Дийл on 18.10.2014 16:16:29
Guys. He's clearly trolling. Why are you all taking this topic so seriously? He started a giveaway, for crying out loud. And then he started to talk about corruption in politics and made a post in Russian without noticing.

Oh, dude, what about Cave Story+?
winner of my giveaway may ask for any game or bundle up to 50 usd.
as for you. NO
Civ Beyond Earth shall be.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 16:20:56
sure but you have to provide a valid opinion
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Explod1ngCake on 18.10.2014 16:27:41
Guys. He's clearly trolling. Why are you all taking this topic so seriously? He started a giveaway, for crying out loud. And then he started to talk about corruption in politics and made a post in Russian without noticing.

Oh, dude, what about Cave Story+?
winner of my giveaway may ask for any game or bundle up to 50 usd.
as for you. NO
Can i still get something in the giveaway if i am on the "other side''?
How about Dust:Elysian Tale?
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Bastard on 18.10.2014 16:28:06
If you're gonna make a silly and useless topic, I'd recomment a different subforum for you. This topic is completely pointless and you're spamming the forum.

Also Gunpoint.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: PP|LIZ|stealing on 18.10.2014 16:32:21
Guys. He's clearly trolling. Why are you all taking this topic so seriously? He started a giveaway, for crying out loud. And then he started to talk about corruption in politics and made a post in Russian without noticing.

Oh, dude, what about Cave Story+?
winner of my giveaway may ask for any game or bundle up to 50 usd.
as for you. NO
Can i still get something in the giveaway if i am on the "other side''?
How about Dust:Elysian Tale?
it's not about sides. its about whether your opinion are valid or not. so possibly.
watsuda there ain't your points abnout games are now igored
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Другарю Рийл_Дийл on 18.10.2014 16:36:51
sure but you have to provide a valid opinion
Alright then.
I've been playing Civ V for more than 100 hours with pleasure and having fun. I even have a group of friends we play Civ V with and oh boy it gets really intensed. I am more of a fan of RTS but Civ is definitely one of my favourite games. Involving elements from history and playing the role of a real leader of a civillization.
But as Beyond Earth, I am excited to try the new policy system similar to a talent tree and the whole new game mechanic based on galactic empire.
Title: Re: Complaint on Admin Bang also player Rexel and Player King of Duck
Post by: Stavik on 18.10.2014 16:41:57
Since the last few pages mostly contain comments about free games I've decided to lock the topic, if you want to make a giveaway, do it under the right board.
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