General => General => Topic started by: DiivZe on 22.04.2015 17:15:03

Title: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: DiivZe on 22.04.2015 17:15:03
I have soon been on this server for 2 years. As my forum account is registered 28.07.2013.

The incident with Jac is prob to date the most known thing that ever happened here.
Jac was normal guy at first. I didn't really care about him at all at the start. He just played and I just played. Nothing wrong. He added me and started to talking with me (I was a mod at this point so I just had to add people if something was happening on the server). We started talking more and more and nothing in between us at all. I still had my shity fuck life at this point and I talked to people to make me feel better. People that helped a lot and stuff (The people that I'm talking about know who they are).

Fast forward 2 months

He started to talk with just the same people. I dunno what had changed with him at all. He prob just didn't like the way I where and such. Then he left the server and stuff. I knew there was still people I talked with regularly that talked with him.. I actually have no idea what triggered this thing that made he hate me to the max. I didn't care I just lived my life like I always had done.

5 months after he decided to make people that he knew I talked to delete me on steam and says stuff.
I had no idea what was happening. At this point I got really fucking mad cause why even.

A week later the shoutbox incident happened.
The incident is actually really funny. For me at least.
I was in  the TS with Bluestar and some other I can't remember. When all of this was happening I couldn't stop thinking how low you can sink. He actually tried to make people hate me like that. For him I was Satan himself. I remember stuff that he said like "He is just destroying the community", "He is just abusing his powers" and "He is tricking you all". (Wish I had the logs of that stuff).
Just a big fuck drama in  the shoutbox and I was laughing the whole time. I told someone that I did that and that person got mad at me. That person talked with both. Well he kinda achieved it and stuff. But meh. For me it was pathetic to do it at all. Why would you try to make like 50 people to hate 1 person? And they all you have talked with the internet.

Well that was mostly it. I still to date find it retarded by him.

Stavik will now ban me.

Bluestar knows everything I did on the server and if I was gonna change something I told him beforehand always. Just to see what he thinks of it and stuff.

[User was modded for this post]
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Dessi on 22.04.2015 17:52:04
Some people are just special little snowflakes.
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Naomie Smalls on 22.04.2015 17:57:35
Some people are just special little snowflakes.

I wish there was a like button on the forums
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: It's me Jacuzzi on 22.04.2015 18:05:45
tfw i get messaged by a certain someone telling me about this shit. I am slightly amused that i'm still relevant to some people. Get a fucking life you blokes, and diivze. Get a girlfriend and stop watching shitty animus.  ;D
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Naomie Smalls on 22.04.2015 18:12:30
tfw i get messaged by a certain someone telling me about this shit. I am slightly amused that i'm still relevant to some people. Get a fucking life you blokes, and diivze. Get a girlfriend and stop watching shitty animus.  ;D

You're my idol

Correcting diivzes spelling:

that has ever*
started talking*
helped me a lot*
with the same people*
don't know*
the way I was*
and stuff*
talked to*
made him*
I'd always done*
say stuff*
The incident was*
someone else*
thinking about how low*
big fucking drama in*
both of us*
kind of*
to make 50 people hate*
¿¿¿¿¿they all you have talked with the internet?????
retarded of him*
going to*
and stuff*
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Stavik on 22.04.2015 18:15:17
I am not going to ban anyone.
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Bastard on 22.04.2015 18:17:45
Haha, you mention me. Get a life!

You get your insults from YouTube comments too??

The incident with Jac is prob to date the most known thing that ever happened here.

Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Lalafell on 22.04.2015 18:20:13
Why do you even make this post. Nobody actually care about the situation that was ages ago. Why bring it up now?  :no: :puke: >:( 8)

Promoted to forum moderator for this message
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: DiivZe on 22.04.2015 18:20:28
tfw i get messaged by a certain someone telling me about this shit. I am slightly amused that i'm still relevant to some people. Get a fucking life you blokes, and diivze. Get a girlfriend and stop watching shitty animus.  ;D
I never talked shit? I said that I think that you did was pathetic. If that is talking shit I dunno what you are thinking. And no... Atm fixing my life is prob a bad idea so <.<
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Bastard on 22.04.2015 18:28:10
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Stavik on 22.04.2015 18:30:06
Who is dat Dani?
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: It's me Jacuzzi on 22.04.2015 18:31:54
Atm fixing my life is prob a bad idea so <.<
Why would fixing your life ever be a bad idea? Stop watching anime you nerd.
Also please don't bring my name up in any discussions related to this kindergarten of a forum. You're all massive faggots, especially Noomie.

Dragzorath is the only exception, oh and Stavik. I've said what i had to say, thanks for the giggles lads. And Owen too which i love  :-[

And to explain my actions a bit better to you DOozve, i was having my butt periods and you seemed like a good target. FUN TIMES! Catch ya later dickwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaads.  8)

Oh and Deltality was a massive wankwhore, i hope he got his arms squashed.

It has truly been a pleasure <:^)

NOTE: It's not about you shit-talking me, it's about you mentioning my name in this forsaken hell hole. Stop. It. I want none of this. I got the giggles already. I am not amused anymore  >:(
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: DiivZe on 22.04.2015 18:34:00
Nah, I don't care about anything atm. The only reason why I'm still here is cause of a promise to Bluestar.
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Bastard on 22.04.2015 18:34:05
You're all massive faggots, especially Noomie.

I am slightly amused that we are still relevant to you. Get a fucking life you bloke. ;) ;) ;) ;)
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: It's me Jacuzzi on 22.04.2015 18:34:30
Bluestar is hot. Best grill.
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Naomie Smalls on 22.04.2015 18:34:49

especially Noomie.

especially Noomie.

especially Noomie.


Butt i laff u
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: DiivZe on 22.04.2015 18:36:11
Bluestar is hot. Best grill.
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Bastard on 22.04.2015 18:38:01
I want
my butt
massive wankwhore

Look, nobody cares about your sex life, okay?

Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Stavik on 22.04.2015 18:38:33

especially Noomie.

especially Noomie.

especially Noomie.


Butt i laff u

lel  :giggle:
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Dessi on 22.04.2015 18:44:45
I like it when it snows.
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Bastard on 22.04.2015 18:45:47
I like  t      it s    .

Look, nobody cares about your fetishes, okay?
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Dessi on 22.04.2015 18:52:54
Look, nobody cares about your fetishes, okay?

Waow, you can edit quotes?

Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Bastard on 22.04.2015 19:01:33
I saw Jacuzzi at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

Wow, I'm so sorry he was such a dick to you. You shouldn't have to deal with these people.
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: DiivZe on 22.04.2015 19:56:19
I like it when it snows.
Its snowing now .. Kill me
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: The Guy on The Roof on 22.04.2015 22:36:29
I like it when it snows.
Its snowing now .. Kill me
Snow is the best thing in the world!! It is too hot where I live.... :'(
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Dessi on 22.04.2015 23:49:47
Its snowing now .. Kill me
Snow is the best thing in the world!! It is too hot where I live.... :'(

Easier to get warm than it is to get cold, wish it was a constant of 5 degrees or lower, wouldn't be good for crops though.
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: DiivZe on 23.04.2015 04:35:59
Its snowing now .. Kill me
Snow is the best thing in the world!! It is too hot where I live.... :'(

Easier to get warm than it is to get cold, wish it was a constant of 5 degrees or lower, wouldn't be good for crops though.
10 degrees and rain is the dream tho.
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Islu on 23.04.2015 23:40:20
Is it too late for dank memes?
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Bastard on 23.04.2015 23:48:06
>implying it's ever too late for dank memes
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Dessi on 24.04.2015 00:42:13

Dank shit
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: DiivZe on 24.04.2015 03:44:12
Never to late for dank memes.
But you should bank them dank mems for later use instead of wasting them on this shit.

This is the worst thing I have ever said...
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Dr. Deltality on 24.04.2015 07:33:57
This is the worst thing I have ever said...
I doubt it
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Bastard on 11.03.2016 00:13:17


 >:( >:( >:( >:( ??? >:( >:( >:( >:( ??? >:( >:( >:( >:( ??? >:( >:( >:( >:( ??? >:( >:( >:( >:( ??? >:( >:( >:( >:( ??? >:( >:( >:( >:( ??? >:( >:( >:( >:( ??? >:( >:( >:( >:( ??? >:( >:( >:( >:( ??? >:( >:( >:( >:( ??? >:( >:( >:( >:( ??? >:( >:( >:( >:( ??? >:( >:( >:( >:( ??? >:( >:( >:( >:( ??? >:( >:( >:( >:( ???
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Bang on 11.03.2016 00:52:58
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Другарю Рийл_Дийл on 16.10.2016 15:51:46
Almost as intriguing as the puppey drama
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Dessi on 16.10.2016 21:23:02
Almost as intriguing as the puppey drama

But it'll never be as juicy
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: DiivZe on 17.10.2016 00:43:50
Puppy drama = best drama
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Bastard on 19.10.2016 17:52:17
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Другарю Рийл_Дийл on 19.10.2016 17:54:11
Arnie exposing the truth
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: DiivZe on 20.10.2016 17:39:01
You are still evil?!?!?! And why are you twisting the truth? It was you yelling to stfu for 10 min straight?
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Bastard on 20.10.2016 21:02:19

You are still evil?!?!?!

yes muahahaha i am the evil mastermind who has split the community and had everyone demoted and I would do it again!
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Другарю Рийл_Дийл on 20.07.2017 17:28:22
Hey, Dark Inferno, I'm sure if you make the complaint here, we'll banhammer the shit out of that normie, it'll turn the moon cherry pie red.
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: thorr on 20.07.2017 23:09:19
Hey, Dark Inferno, I'm sure if you make the complaint here, we'll banhammer the shit out of that normie, it'll turn the moon cherry pie red.

Well, last I heard is that he got banned from the forum for unknown reason.  :yes:
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Другарю Рийл_Дийл on 20.07.2017 23:12:57
Hey, Dark Inferno, I'm sure if you make the complaint here, we'll banhammer the shit out of that normie, it'll turn the moon cherry pie red.

Well, last I heard is that he got banned from the forum for unknown reason.  :yes:
Sounds like some commie work.
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: IT`S HAPPENING on 18.08.2017 19:56:03
Back in the day, knifing diivze really meant something...
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: It's me Jacuzzi on 19.08.2017 02:22:03
I am utterly flattered.
Title: Re: My experience with Jacuzzi
Post by: Bastard on 26.08.2017 20:07:56
You're a cringekid is what you are
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