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General / Re: Stavik does not have balls, lets remove him!« on: 06.07.2015 16:20:09 »
Why does noone like the dot
Introductions / Re: Ekko/Hiro/Heimerdinger/Owen/Ow3n's introduction.« on: 24.06.2015 13:54:56 »
The worst enemy in LoL is your own team.
TTT Suggestions / Re: Raising the cost of T rounds« on: 22.06.2015 18:49:35 »
Give me a example of T weapones that waste time
TTT Suggestions / Re: Raising the cost of T rounds« on: 22.06.2015 17:45:23 »I don't know about you, but I haven't noticed there suddenly being too many ts or same people always being ts so much. We once had this discussion. Grappling hook would just lead to abuse and delaying rounds. Eventho it is a lot of fun! 5
Introductions / Re: Nico's Wierd thing idk intreduction shi*t« on: 16.06.2015 20:34:36 »
Stop drowning pls.
TTT General / Re: Need help with TTT« on: 10.06.2015 23:31:05 »
Since I have no life just message me and I probably will come if I am not in a Cs Go match.
General / Re: Testing time guys !« on: 07.05.2015 17:05:39 »Bugs sofar Add to TTT: Silenced Sniper ammo refills when you drop it with 1 bullet left and pick it up again 10
General / Re: Lets get to know each other better !« on: 15.04.2015 23:21:02 »I hate more or less everyone. Why hate me? I am a qt turtleeee! 11
General / Re: Lets get to know each other better !« on: 15.04.2015 22:06:05 »
It is the way school system works. And it is the truth ,so are my teacher saying. Some of the stuff we learn at school is so dumb and useless but we still learn it because the state wants it so.
General / Re: Lets get to know each other better !« on: 15.04.2015 21:50:06 »school is soooooooooo dumb xDDDDDDd 80% of the stuff you learn at school you forget later because you never ever need them. 13
General / Re: GTA 5 General« on: 15.04.2015 15:14:14 »hows the port? not sure if i'll get it until some trustworthy reviewers make a video on it How dare you hating San Andreas 14
General / Re: Lets get to know each other better !« on: 13.04.2015 22:25:31 »Shut up, slutshitter.How the hell does one shit sluts?! You have to wide your anus a LOT 15
Silly and useless topics! / Re: Welp« on: 03.04.2015 00:31:36 »
it depens on in what country you are in watsuda