22.12.2024 06:58:41

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Silly and useless topics! / Re: Hate Thread
« Last post by Bluestar on 14.07.2019 07:03:09 »
when something makes me mad i break my fingesh

I thought when you were mad you were stubbing your toes.
Silly and useless topics! / Re: Hate Thread
« Last post by Bastard on 05.07.2019 15:16:53 »
when something makes me mad i break my fingesh
General / Re: PUBG General (Scores and Discussion)
« Last post by Bush on 23.02.2019 14:54:17 »
I play time to time (once in eternity) but i suck at it.
we know u suck bluestar u fucking furry u dont need 2 point it out u wanker way 2 drag all the attention to urself
tbf I am trusted and I am the most amazing person in the community
General / Re: Activity Check
« Last post by Bush on 09.02.2019 16:45:59 »
We all left the discord to start our own discord where I have a position of power.
Well hello there
The last post in this thread was a month old, Stavik. I would really appreciate if you didn't dig up old threads. It's common etiquette.

Oh my Watsuda, arguing with headstaff might get you banned!
The last post in this thread was a month old, Stavik. I would really appreciate if you didn't dig up old threads. It's common etiquette.
Bang you absolute mad lad  :o
calm down bang
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