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Author Topic: Complaint about atlasben admin abusing  (Read 18037 times)

Offline Fusaz

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Complaint about atlasben admin abusing
« on: 02.06.2017 16:10:23 »
My in-game name is: Fusaz
[The player that I'm complaining about: atlasben
The rule(s) that the player has broken: Admin abusing
The incident occurred on (month, day and possibly the hours):2.June 15:50 GMT+2
The server in which the incident occurred:TF2 Achievement Idle [1]
Explanation of what happened: So i spawned, and this guy was abusing his rights as admin. He was flying in our spawn with noclip and also having toxic on. So because he had toxic on then we couldn't do anything. He was basically spawnkilling. After I managed to kill him, he wanted his revenge and tried to kill me with homing projectiles. I managed to kill him again and the he kicked me and the reason was "One out". Well, I was okay then, joined back to the game and killed him once again and then banned me for "Two out". After that I am not able to rejoin the server. I feel like people like him should not get the rights for such power like admin has. It is really unfair other people what he does. People like him are killing TF2.
My collected evidence (screenshots, screenshots of logs or videos etc.): https://prnt.sc/ff2g2a
There isn't any chat log of it cause, we didn't say a word. Also the kill log wouldn't help either.

Offline Teenystingray75

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Re: Complaint about atlasben admin abusing
« Reply #1 on: 02.06.2017 19:01:14 »
It is understandable that you left out the chat, as your picture only shows the temporary ban you had (which is already over). However I do find it interesting that you left out the chat, as you have said plenty of comments before that happened. And, to be frank, i am pissed off due to a different matter, so I take this into account. However, what I won't tolerate is if you'd return to the server just to annoy me and/or other players.

Offline Naomie Smalls

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Re: Complaint about atlasben admin abusing
« Reply #2 on: 03.06.2017 00:10:51 »
It is understandable that you left out the chat, as your picture only shows the temporary ban you had (which is already over). However I do find it interesting that you left out the chat, as you have said plenty of comments before that happened. And, to be frank, i am pissed off due to a different matter, so I take this into account. However, what I won't tolerate is if you'd return to the server just to annoy me and/or other players.

The chat has nothing to do with the fact that you were apparently noclipping/spawnkilling the other team. Care to explain? And also, what are you pissed off about?

Offline Fusaz

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Re: Complaint about atlasben admin abusing
« Reply #3 on: 03.06.2017 11:44:27 »
So you're pissed, and because of that you're relasing your anger on other players?


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