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TF2 General / Re: Activity« on: 11.03.2018 02:18:01 »
I come here every 2 months to check if the place is still ded
CS:GO General / Re: 5v1 Clutch ESEA« on: 26.08.2015 18:29:56 »
10/10 now know that you're name is Albin Berg. *Facebook stalking intensifies*
General / Re: A sad day in the history of catgc« on: 23.05.2015 16:31:11 »
Even though we didn't know eachother in real life I always felt like you were a great gut and kind of a rolemodel for me. You we're by far my favorite person in catgc. I remember when I first added him, he was so kind and invited me to play with him and thomlin. You and thomlin made me so happy when you invited me to play csgo.
Rest in peace Stian 8
Silly and useless topics! / Re: Ask an ISP Network Administrator anything« on: 09.11.2014 14:18:44 »
Who killed Olof Palme?
General / Re: Is win8 shit?« on: 24.08.2014 12:52:08 »
I now have a samsung evo 250gb ssd with windows 8.1 on it. It takes 20 seconds from me pressing the button to all of my boot-up programs are on (avast, spotify, steam and Xpadder)
I highly recommend windows 8.1 with an ssd 10
Introductions / Re: This is who I am! - Kitty.exe's introduction.« on: 17.08.2014 22:46:51 »Ice is frozen water 11
General / Re: Is win8 shit?« on: 17.08.2014 18:40:01 »Buy Win7. Win8 is a stupid. Win7 until Win9 comes. I actually have a good feeling about 9.Why is it stupid? Edit: The one and only thing that really BLOWS with Win8, is the skype that comes with it.So the solution is just to download skype from skypes website? 13
General / Is win8 shit?« on: 17.08.2014 14:20:20 »
I'm going tu buy a ssd and install my os on it for faster boot time. When I googled around I noticed that windows 8 has faster boot time than windows 7. Is it worth it? Whats bad about win8? If you have windows 8 please tell me what you dislike about it
General / Re: Gamenights!« on: 15.08.2014 22:51:15 »Let's do dis. BUT with Brave New World.I WANTED A CIV NIGHT, BUT NO ONE SHOWED UP ;_;im in |