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Messages - Dragzorath

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General / Re: I am a fucking idiot.
« on: 13.03.2017 06:55:01 »

I was being vague since I assumed we both had the same understanding of the situation and thus I was right, since you never seriously tried to dispute me, even after I pretty much put the blame on you.

But it as it seems I was wrong, now that I've read your side of the story, I apologize for putting the blame on you, I'd delete my original response, but like you said, I'm an idiot and didn't realize the thread had been moved to the admin section. Even though I'd probably still do the same since there wasn't really any other way to interpret the situation since you just left.

I didn't think people would make such a big deal out of it for the same reasons, that the people involved were aware of what had happened and accepted it, especially since all those demoted would be back with their rank in like 10 hours and like said, most of the head staff should had known their ranks were being removed since they had already been legacy for a while.

So that's pretty much it, you explained it very well with miscommunication being the biggest culprit, hopefully next time we can talk things through before leaving or making rash decisions, I already told Noomie and other higher staff after that fiasco, that I'll just assume the staff is in the right the next time, and not get involved at all unless there's definite proof.

Since some people seem to be suffering from memory loss and some others from extreme sarcasm, I might as well summarize and clarify it once more so everybody can get over it.

Old thread:

To start off, Watsuda was right about one thing. I barely know anybody here so I treat everyone alike until they can prove their competence. In addition I was and still am skeptical about most of the current staff's competence just because of the fact I have this position.

Islu and Destructive complain to me about Noomie, Owen and Watsuda abusing the powers of the former two on them.

Although they provided proof it was way too out of context to be called that.

I message Noomie, Owen directly, asking them what happened.

Noomie and Owen tell me Islu and Destructive were trolling.

Watsuda adds me and describes the situation with exaggerated metaphors.

At this point it was pretty clear it wasn't anything serious so I invite Islu, Destructive, Noomie, Owen, and Watsuda into a group chat to ask them to stop messing with eachother.

(This is where it would had stopped, because I didn't see any proof from either side to push the blame just on one side)

Watsuda again speaks in exaggerated metaphors, then leaves the group chat and deletes me.

After that everyone else seemingly dismiss me as well and leave the chat.

Since it didn't seem like the point got across, I proceeded to demote everyone involved (Noomie, Owen) temporarily, and at the same time remove the inactive head staff (whom I had spoken with a few days-weeks earlier regarding their activity) from the roster.

Owen messaged me soon after and I assured him it was temporary and I'd revert it the next day.

The next day I find out someone had told Diivze I demoted a bunch of people for no reason and he had restored everyones' ranks.

And that is pretty much it. Was it unreasonable to demote people suddenly without any notice? Maybe. Was it unreasonable to expect people to cooperate with someone investigating a complaint?
I don't think I'm asking for a lot here, I like to think I'm a fair person, what I was expecting was everyone involved acknowledging they won't cause some sort of drama again and involve me without proof. I don't get any answers and get patronized.
Perhaps it's not the best comparison, but if you're a cop called to a pub about two fighting parties but can't figure out who's at fault, you're going to haul them all off to figure it out, I figured I'd let it slide since nothing really happened, but then one of the people decided to not cooperate and just leave. Now my sole purpose here is to solve problems like that, if people don't want to cooperate I'm not left with many choices.
Maybe I'm taking things too seriously, but if you think I'm so terribly irrational and incompetent that you're surprised I am even in this position in the first place, you can create some sort of community poll and vote me off, and I promise I'll never use any privilege higher than an average user's again for the common good.

I do hope you'll be able to get it out of your system at some point Watsuda, maybe even lose a few layers of sarcasm.

At least admins that do absolutely nothing are just...normal players with colored names. The real problem is abusers, which we don't have. (I think.)

Although there was that one time everybody was demoted because some guy who never plays on the server and doesn't really know anyone threw a childish fit.

Idk dude, from what I remember, only the inactive head admins (who had already been previously talked with), Noomie, and Owen were demoted. Latter two temporarily because they were involved with some overly sarcastic and edgy guy. Which wouldn't even been a big deal if an ex-admin wouldn't had overstepped his boundaries and made it seem as if someone was just causing chaos.

That wasn't probably the best move, just disabling two admins like that, even though temporarily. Nor was conjuring nine layers of sarcasm and patronizing the guy trying to get context on the situation to decide if there is a need to do anything at all.

But hey, on the bright side, at least you can accept you were wrong to trivialize the situation, not like you carry some sort of personal vendetta for that person and attempt to preach his incompetence.

CS:GO General / Re: Best CSGO match?
« on: 19.12.2014 23:29:58 »
Dragzorath "Worst match erver..."

That's inaccurate, usually I say something along the lines of "this game is shit" or "csgo is gay".

General / Re: Lets get to know each other better !
« on: 22.11.2014 11:46:07 »
Is there some other program I could use except Photoshop?

I doubt it, Photoshop is probs best to keep within the borders and have minimal stretching.

General / Re: Lets get to know each other better !
« on: 20.11.2014 20:52:20 »
Dragzorath has a good taste in YouTube channels!

Will add pictures later. (Actually never.)


What really turns me off is the fact that she's not actually an 8-year-old, it's just how they lure you in and then you wake up in holding. I was quite devastated when I found out, to be honest.

General / Re: Lets get to know each other better !
« on: 20.11.2014 16:14:24 »
Deadpool should be between superhero and villain. And ur porn style is... hmm..

Deadpool is self-serving, but has shown to have good intentions, I'd say an anti-hero still goes under heroes.

Also, goat vaginas are most similar those of human, anatomically. I don't think it's fair to judge only me if some people here get off from things such as crude drawings of the letter "X", anthropomorphic animals, numbers, et cetera.

General / Re: Lets get to know each other better !
« on: 20.11.2014 11:44:47 »

Why can't I access my router at seemingly random periods, mostly in mornings (1000-1200) and evenings (1600-1800, 2200-2400), with the following error?

TTT Complaints / Unban appeals / Re: WTF?
« on: 23.10.2014 18:09:23 »
No witch-hunting please, either wait until someone confesses or ask the guy himself.

TTT Complaints / Unban appeals / Re: WTF?
« on: 23.10.2014 14:58:06 »
This guy begged for your info for a while, I was hoping banning his IP would make him unable to find you but apparently I was wrong.

Don't be dicks people, if you wouldn't beg from and harass people on the street then have some pride and don't do it online.

General / Re: Change the forum's theme
« on: 24.08.2014 01:04:55 »
I honestly think the default theme could also be better, along with the layout. I only use the dark one because the bright default isn't easy on the eyes. Bluestar might be a lazy fuck but he did make this whole community, so he does do quite a bit every now and then.

Both you two should stop bickering though, you're both partially right. Suggestions and criticism can be good things, even if not always constructive, but insulting people because of the suggestions and insulting people back doesn't really do any good for anyone.

I'd lock this topic but I think discussing the theme and overall look of the forum is a good idea, have to keep up with times and make sure it's to everyones' liking, although, Zealous, you should had added a poll option to keep the current theme, just two new choices and no neutral response won't do much.

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