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Messages - Stavik

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Silly and useless topics! / Re: Pc controller
« on: 27.07.2015 15:07:50 »
xbox 360 controller?

TTT Suggestions / Re: Raising the cost of T rounds
« on: 28.06.2015 23:38:05 »
Limit it to once per map or something.

TTT Suggestions / Re: Raising the cost of T rounds
« on: 28.06.2015 05:50:34 »
That wont solve the problem of people buying T rounds every round, does it Blue?
Im not sure.
It won't, unless there is a way to actually limit the amount of T rounds someone can buy per day/week, I don't see a solution that will work for everyone, either we raise the price on T rounds, thus the people with many points can afford only some of them, while new people will need to play for days in order to get the points required, or we keep the points low, meaning new people will only need to play for hours in order to afford T rounds, while regular people can afford hundreds of them.

TTT Suggestions / Re: Raising the cost of T rounds
« on: 24.06.2015 01:47:02 »
Well, few of the admins gave themselves points when it was possible. Me included.
I have them cause I was testing stuff ;)
At one point I had 68950209 points.

TTT Suggestions / Re: Raising the cost of T rounds
« on: 22.06.2015 00:01:07 »
ATM, you will have to play for 75 minutes in order to buy 1 T round, I'd say at max you could have it be 24 points, that way it takes exactly 2 hours of playing in order to get enough for 1 T round.

If you were to change it to 100-150 points like you said, it will take people about 8-12 hours of playing just to be able to buy 1 T round, in this case most people would just buy perm weapons or cosmetics instead.

The only problem is that people that have played a lot, or have donated a lot, will have a huge amount of points at their disposal.

TTT General / Re: Need help with TTT
« on: 09.06.2015 23:53:49 »
If nothing comes up, sure

General / Re: Running Rust Server
« on: 30.05.2015 14:02:08 »
Should I buy Rust or not?
Kinda stupid to ask that, some people will say yes, some will say no, if you know someone that owns the game, try it out with them before deciding maybe?

General / Re: Running Rust Server
« on: 29.05.2015 17:35:28 »
I never saw the zombies as dangerous, now what is dangerous are a group of people, they don't team up with anyone, they always have 3-4 people online, and they aim to become gods on the server, this and hackers that can just tp, aimbot etc.

General / Re: Running Rust Server
« on: 29.05.2015 16:27:41 »
I liked Rust in the start, did they add anything to replace the zombies?
red bears and wolves that take like 10 pistol bullets to kill, instead of the usual 1-2 bullets you could use on zombies.

General / Re: Running Rust Server
« on: 29.05.2015 15:48:47 »
I was thinking about Rust yesterday, is it worth to buy?
If I could, I'd want my money back for it, back when I bought it, the game was really enjoyable, I think I got around 100 hours in it. One day they decided to remove the zombies, okay the game was less enjoyable now, but still good enough. Then they decided to change the engine the game ran on, they remade the game and it's nothing like the game I played and enjoyed, you might like it though, but it's a big piece of trash that'll probably never get finished in my opinion.
It was a piece of trash at the first place and that's the reason for changing to Unity 5. Now it's far more better.
you forgot to say "in my opinion".

General / Re: Running Rust Server
« on: 29.05.2015 13:09:32 »
I was thinking about Rust yesterday, is it worth to buy?
If I could, I'd want my money back for it, back when I bought it, the game was really enjoyable, I think I got around 100 hours in it. One day they decided to remove the zombies, okay the game was less enjoyable now, but still good enough. Then they decided to change the engine the game ran on, they remade the game and it's nothing like the game I played and enjoyed, you might like it though, but it's a big piece of trash that'll probably never get finished in my opinion.

General / Re: Server List
« on: 27.05.2015 00:05:30 »
Well I liked the gametracker one more.

Bhop Applications / Re: Moderator application
« on: 26.05.2015 13:51:52 »
Guidelines now modified and copied too all the boards they're used. Read through it carefully and if you fulfill every requirement, write a new application.

If you fail to follow the guidelines you will be denied without ever receiving a personal interview.

-   You need to agree to, and understand our punishment guidelines.
-   You need to have 3 days of play time on the server that you are applying for.
-   If the server you are applying for has a Trusted rank you need to be part of that.
-   Write what server you want to apply for in the title.
-   Write down your Steam ID in either the start or end of your application.
-   Link your introduction in either the start or end of your application.
-   Have a low amount of active warnings.
-   Use proper grammar, communication is important.

! By writing an application you agree to the fact that you may be demoted at any time.
! By writing an application you agree to being contacted on steam by either Stavik or Noomie.

*These Guidelines may change at any time.

Inactivity: When you have not been seen on the server for 1 week as a staff member, a warning will be given, and asked why you have been inactive.

If you have a reason to be inactive for a week or longer, then make sure to post it here (only staff can see this)

CS:S General / Re: Today I became a good player
« on: 25.05.2015 18:34:27 »
Whats wrong with russian faggots   >:(

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