Hayayo Miyazaki? His movies are very well-liked, but they generally don't really do it for me. I wouldn't even call them "great". Just good. To me, a movie either needs a great story or great characters (with great dialogue). Fight Club was great because it had a great story, even though it only had, like, three characters with lines. Reservoir Dogs (and most other QT movies) is great because of the dialogue and the characters, not the story.
Miyazaki movies are just...eh. The story is...okay. And I remember what the characters look like, but I couldn't find three adjectives to describe them if you wanted me to. (I had the same problem with Lord of the Rings, which also neither had great characters nor a great story. Oops, now I've done it.)
Oh yeah, and because miku mentioned Gankutsuou: That series is fantastic. I didn't like the ending, though. Good thing about the ending is that it makes you want to read the book, which had a 100x better ending. The Count of Monte Christo is such a fucking pimp.